Simply roll on each table, then on each table that follows provided it seems appropriate to do so for your result. This will give you an idea of who the character may have been in a past life.
Roll (1d10)
1-3 Human
4-6 Animal
7-8 Insect
9 Monster
10 Spirit or Demon
Roll (1d10) Result
1-5 Male
6-10 Female
Roll (1d10) Result
1 Cruel
2 Cunning
3 Merciful
4 Selfless
5 Calm
6 Pure
7 Brave
8 Righteous
9 Loyal
10 Filial
Roll (1d10)
1 Cruel
2 Unfilial
3 Disloyal
4 Unjust
5 Cowardly
6 Shameful
7 Ferocious
8 Selfish
9 Vengeful
10 Poisoner
Roll (1d10)
1-3 None
4-6 Wandering Hero (Qi Rank 1-2)
7-8 Great Wandering Hero (Qi Ranks 2-5)
9 Master (Qi Rank 6)
10 Profound Master (Qi Ranks 7+)
Roll (1d10)
1-3 None
4-6 Terrible, Infamous, a villain of the worst sort
7-8 Good, famous and well regarded during life
9 Great, famous and something you did lasted to the present
10 Incredible, venerated after death
OCCUPATION (If Applicable)
Roll (1d10)
1-3 Merchant
4-6 Artisan
7-8 Farmer
9 Scholar Official
10 Beggar
Roll (1d10)
1-3 Violent, combat related death
4-6 Exposure or Illness
7-8 Violent, non-combat related death (an accident)
9 Suicide
10 Peacefully of old age or similar reason
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