Saturday, September 7, 2024


This is an adventure set in Hai'an for use with Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate. It comes from my recent Paths from Nowhere Campaign, and has been revised for more general use. I encourage GMs to look at THE STARLIT INKSTONE and THE WAR OF SWARMING BEGGARS if they are to run this. 


In this adventure for WANDERING HEROES OF OGRE GATE, designed for a party of Qi rank 6 or higher, the players investigate a mysterious mountain peak that first appeared two years ago only to discover that it is populated by people fabricated by a madman who controls the Starlit Inkstone. While intended for a higher-level party, lower-level characters can attempt it if they rely more on cunning and charm than brawn. 


Note that the antagonist in The Mountain in Starlight, is Qi rank 12, making him a highly formidable threat. Even Qi rank 6 characters will find him a lethal and challenging foe. 



The party goes to the Hanging Temple of Bao in search of the Belt of Mercy. There the head Abbess tells them that the belt was stolen two years ago, along with a tapestry of Bao and Sun Mai, by a powerful master named Mi Bozhong, who fled into the wilderness where a new mountain peak formed in his wake. She sent five nuns after him but only one, Sister Shuxin, returned. When she came back, she was hungry for human flesh and her skin was rotting. They put her in a holding cell where she has continued to hunger but never perish. The Abbess offers to give them the belt if they can find it but asks that they seek a cure for Shuxin’s state and try to find the other missing nuns, or at least return their bodies. 

Going into the mountain peak, the party faces strange threats, trees with constrictor snake branches and flesh-eating birds. If they make it to the temple they can explore and discover that Mi Bozhong is a strange being created by the Starlit Inkstone, who has the power to paint new realities. He has fabricated monks and a guardian by copying the images in the stolen tapestry. The guardian believes herself to be Bao of legend, and the monks all have false memories of made-up pasts. They work to extract jade from the peak and are erecting a Pagoda to the sky. Mi Bozhong seeks to build a tower that he can take to the Lunar Realm, where he will place the Belt of Mercy on Supreme Judge Yu, so he can freely rebel against heaven and create new realities on earth. His plan is crazed and unlikely to work and the players will hopefully find a way to stop him. They will also need to deal with the fabricated monks and Bao. If they search, they will also find one nun, Sister Jingzi, who survived and the Belt of Mercy. 



The players are tasked by someone with finding the Belt of Mercy. The details of this should be based on what is occurring in the campaign. For example, if they go to the city in search of a great sage to find a particular manual, he may do so in exchange for the party retrieving the Belt of Mercy. In my own campaign players were seeking to build a temple and sought out a man known as The Supreme Architect to engineer it. Tired of wealth, he asked them to go to Mount Bao and ask the nuns there for the Belt of Mercy. If they brought it back, he would engineer their temple. 


Other possible hooks include needing the belt of mercy to restrain a foe the party is attempting to reform, seeking out the belt at the Hanging temple of Bao simply to study it, or following rumors of something terrible that occurred to the nuns on Mount Bao. The players could also be sent by imperial officials seeking to research the new mountain peak geography for a gazetteer. 



Two Years ago, Mi Bozhong passed through the area and went to the Hanging Temple of Bao where he stole the Belt of Mercy and a tapestry depicting Sun Mai teaching Bao his lost scripture. Chased by the nuns, he drew a picture of a peak with the Starlit Inkstone causing a large second pinnacle called Life Transcendent Peak to form. There he fled and continued using the inkstone to render a temple, then monks based on Sun Mai’s depiction. Here had the monks mine a deposit of Jade to build a sky pole (a jade staircase). His desire was to reach the moon and place the belt on Supreme Judge Yu that he might unleash chaos and become a god himself (See his entry for further details). 


The Nuns of Bao sent five of their own: Jingzi, Shuxin, Ruo, Yu and Ke. Only Shuxin returned, but her flesh had been eaten away and she was ravenous for human flesh, so they locked her in a chamber where she ranted about monks, a jade pagoda, an endless hunger and strange birds. Jingzi was captured and placed in a prison, where Mi Bozhong bound her with the Belt of Mercy and has been torturing her to find the nuns’ secret of immorality (he believes he must first become immortal before confronting Supreme Judge Yu). 


The temple now stands guarded by the monks, a mysterious woman named bao who was created from the inkstone using Bao’s image and the abbot. Everything on the peak is created by Mi Bozhong with the Starlit Inkstone but can be undone if the original illustrations are destroyed. One of the monks has realized the truth and might help the party. 



Mount Bao is described in the WAR OF SWARMING BEGGARS in CHAPTER FOUR. In addition to regular survival roll, to ascend the mountain the players will need to make a Survival (Mountains) TN 7 roll each day to avoid plunging hazards. Most plunges are 30 feet and characters risk taking 3d10 Open Damage for the fall unless they make an Athletics TN 6 roll. The encounter tables for regular survival rolls are found in WAR OF SWARMING BEGGARS, CHAPTER FOUR. For encounter on the mountain the table from the MOUNT BAO entry is repeated here. Once the players begin ascending Life Transcending Peak, the GM should use the table on the MOUNT BAO map (see ASCENDING THE PEAK AND APPROACHING THE TEMPLE below).

Use the following Encounter table for regular failed survival rolls on Mount Bao.



Roll 1d10    Result

1-3              Zhen Bird (WHOG page 384)

4-5              Nuns of Bao (WAR OF SWARMING BEGGARS, CHAPTER SIX)

6                 Yumen (WHOG page 384)

7                 Flower-Handed Snake (WSB, CHAPTER SIX)

8                 Flower Handed Widow (WSB, CHAPTER SIX)

9                 Southern Hill Sect Disciple (WSB, CHAPTER SIX)

10               White Chrysanthemum (WSB, CHAPTER SIX)



When the players reach the temple, they will be greeted by Abbess Gu Wei and given an audience. Men are not allowed inside the temple itself so she will receive them in an appropriate location. She will hear what they have to say and explain that she would be willing to give them the Belt of Mercy had it not been stolen two years ago. She continues to speak with them and takes them to see the Mountain Peak, where she explains the backstory of what happened from her point of view (see BACKGROUND). Then takes them to the cell where they are holding Shuxin, however she will only allow female members of the party to enter the holding cell area. 


The bottom line is Abbess Gu Wei will ask the party to go to the peak and find out what has happened to her sisters. She will agree to give them the Belt of Mercy should they find it, if they simply try to aid those who vanished on the mountain. 


The hanging temple of Bao is described on page 253 of the Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate Rule book and in CHAPTER SIX of WAR OF SWARMING BEGGARS. It is built into the red sandstone of the cliffs of the mountain and is a complex network of cave dwellings, stone steps, bridges and wooden structures. The temple has a sinister reputation, but the nuns here are simply devoted to the veneration of Bao. 


The nuns of the temple were formed during the reign of the Demon Emperor and their teachings are based on a sutra called the Lost Sutra of Sun Mai. The scripture is on the tapestry that Mi Bozhong stole (it is described below in the temple entry). The temple’s interpretation of this meeting is less radical than its words. They simply believe that the world is not readily perceived by the human mind, and that one must step outside of and disrupt standard ways of thinking to attain insights.  



Use stats from WAR OF SWARMING BEGGARS. There are hundreds of nuns, but important ones are Jingzi, Cha Siqing, Yu Yu, Hua Ruo, Chi Shuxin, Tu Xue, Dao Ke, Bao Qing, and Du Li. Not that several of the listed were sent to the peak and never returned. 


Defenses: Hardiness 5, Evade 3, Parry 4, Stealth 6, Wits 6, Resolve 8

Key Skills: Grapple: 1d10, Throw: 2d10, Arm Strike: 2d10, Leg Strike: 1d10, Light Melee: 1d10, Medium Melee: 1d10, Heavy Melee: 2d10, Small Ranged: 0d10, Speed: 2d10, Muscle: 2d10, Religion (Bao): 3d10, Ritual (Ancestor Veneration): 2d10, Talent (Singing): 2d10


Qi: 2

Max Wounds: 5

Weapons: Qiang (4d10 Damage or 2d10 Damage)


Key Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 2, Qinggong 1, Neigong 1): Clutch of the Hawk, Spear Swipe, Spear of the Infinite Emperor



The Abbesses must follow an even more strict code than the nuns and usually manage groups of ten nuns each. 


Defenses: Hardiness 8, Evade 5, Parry 7, Stealth 7, Wits 7, Resolve 8

Key Skills: Grapple: 2d10, Throw: 2d10, Arm Strike: 2d10, Leg Strike: 2d10, Light Melee: 1d10, Medium Melee: 2d10, Heavy Melee: 3d10, Small Ranged: 0d10, Speed: 2d10, Muscle: 3d10, Athletics 2d10, Religion (Bao): 2d10, Meditation: 2d10, Divination: 3d10, Ritual (Ancestor Veneration): 3d10, Talent (Singing): 3d10


Qi: 4

Max Wounds: 9

Weapons: Qiang (5d10 Damage or 3d10 Damage)


Key Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 2, Qinggong 1, Neigong 1): Clutch of the Hawk, Endless Arc of the Spear, Rising Dragon Stance, Spear Swipe, Spear of the Infinite Emperor, Whirling Dodge (Counter)



Abbess Gu Wei is the head abbess of the Hanging Temple of Bao. She is strict and can seem harsh, but ultimately has a soft heart. However, she rigidly enforces the orders rules and will not allow any men to set foot inside the temple. The Abbess was adopted into the sect when she was a child, after her parents were killed by bandits. She suspects she came from a wealthy family but is not certain. She is deeply troubled by the events that occurred two years ago but has been afraid of provoking the anger of Mi Bozhong, fearing he will harm more of her sisters. 


Defenses: Hardiness 8, Evade 5, Parry 8, Stealth 7, Wits 7, Resolve 8

Key Skills: Grapple: 3d10, Throw: 2d10, Arm Strike: 3d10, Leg Strike: 2d10, Light Melee: 1d10, Medium Melee: 2d10, Heavy Melee: 3d10, Small Ranged: 0d10, Speed: 2d10, Muscle: 3d10, Athletics 2d10, Religion (Bao): 3d10, Meditation: 3d10, Divination: 3d10, Ritual (Ancestor Veneration): 3d10, Talent (Singing): 3d10, Talent (Calligraphy): 3d10


Qi: 5

Max Wounds: 11

Weapons: Qiang (5d10 Damage or 3d10 Damage)


Key Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 2, Qinggong 1, Neigong 1): Clutch of the Hawk, Endless Arc of the Spear, Fluttering Kicks, Hands of the Hawk Beak, Rising Dragon Stance, Spear Swipe, Spear of the Infinite Emperor, Whirling Dodge (Counter), Grasp of the Python (Counter)




Use the MOUNT BAO map as they players advance towards the temple. The terrain in this peak is unusual as it was created by Mi Bozhong based on his vision of a mountain. Unlike the cliffs and stones on the rest of Mount Bao, the rock here is a deep blue and the trees are a combination of tall evergreens and golden larch. There are also Boa Trees (see below) which have long constricting branches that attack passerby. The woods are inhabited by a range of wildlife, including Zhen Birds, musk dear, pheasants and devouring vultures (see below). 


For movement 1 Square equals 5 miles. Characters should make normal daily survival rolls initially but these should increase as they get closer to the temple. The GM should use judgement and intuition, but it generally should become hourly once they are within a half day of the temple, then every ten minutes once they are on the temple grounds. Once the characters are making hourly rolls, use the encounter table on the MOUNT BAO map when they fail. Here are the results repeated from that table: 



Roll 1d10    Result

1-2                   Monks

3                      Bao

4-5                   Boa Tree

6-7                   Life Transcending Corpse 

8-10                 Devouring Vultures 


See the entries for the monks and the background section but one notable feature here is the monks all look like the same person because they were created by Mi Bozhong using Sun Mai’s depiction in the tapestry. 






These stout vultures have black colored feathers and hooked white beaks with emerald, green eyes. They attack in swarms feasting on the flesh of people and turning them into Life Transcendent Corpses. Roll 1d10 to see how many flocks appear: 1-4 (1 flock), 5-7 (2 flocks), 8-9 (3 flocks), 10 (4 flocks)


Defenses: Hardiness 2, Evade 7, Parry 1, Stealth 7, Wits 2, Resolve 9

Key Skills: Attack: 1d10, Speed: 3d10, Muscle: 0d10, Detect: 1d10


Max Wounds: 1 per flock 



Devour: Roll attack against Parry. On a Success they do 2d10 Damage plus 2 automatic wounds. If enough damage is done to kill the target, they are stripped of much of their flesh and become a Transcendent Corpse. On a Total Success the person is stripped completely of flesh. 



These resemble normal trees, but heir branches are thick constrictor snakes that strangle prey and feed them into a maw. 


Defenses: Hardiness 7, Evade 1, Parry 7, Stealth 10, Wits 4, Resolve 10

Key Skills: Attack: 3d10, Speed: 2d10, Muscle: 5d10, Detect: 0d10


Max Wounds: 5



Hide: It requires 2 successful detect rolls to see the branches are snakes. 


Branches: Roll 3d10 against the Parry of up to 8 targets. On a success, the target is grabbed and strangled. Must make Endurance 5 the first round, Endurance 8 the second round and endurance 10 the third round or begin dying. It is an opposed muscle roll to escape (takes full action). 


Maw: The maw of the tree does 4d10 open damage. 



These are people whose flesh hangs from the bone, having been feasted upon by Devouring Vultures and cursed to live with an endless hunger only satisfied by human flesh. They can still think and speak but are restless until they eat. And the agony drives them crazy, so their words often make very little sense of only offer a glimpse of a complete thought. A few are complete skeletons. 


Defenses: Hardiness 9, Evade 4, Parry 5, Stealth 6, Wits 6, Resolve 7

Key Skills: Bite: 2d10, Attack: 2d10, Speed: 1d10, Muscle: 2d10, Detect: 3d10


Max Wounds: 6



Bite: The bite does 2d10 Plus 2 Extra wounds 






This is a temple dedicated to Qi Zhao and centered around the Lost Sutra of Sun Mai. It’s abbot, Mi Bozhong, is a crazed master created by the Starlit Inkstone (See MI BOZHONG entry below and background section). Though he is disheveled and has long hair, Mi Bozhong very much assumes the role of abbot. The temple believes that those who truly understand the nature of reality can alter it and the monks here regard Abbot Mi Bozhong as an enlightened being. 


The nun from the Hanging Temple of Bao, Jingzi, is imprisoned in the Hall of Death Transcendence and is wearing the Belt of Mercy to keep her from escaping. The monks have been told she is a is a murderer and that they are keeping her here out of compassion so she can be reformed. 

The players are free to explore the temple as they see fit. While Bao stands guard and the monks guard key areas, they will greet the players kindly and give them entrance. However, if the players choose to attack or to sneak in, then this may result in more hostile measures. Ultimately their presence will be tolerated but the monks, Mi Bozhong and Bao will try to stop them if they attempt to rescue Jingzi, steal the Belt of Mercy, take back the Tapestry or thwart their efforts to build a Jade Pagoda to the moon. 


Mi Bozhong is obsessed and crazy, but he isn’t murderous. He can be engaged with, and he can be accommodating. He may even try to convince the players, if they seem worthy, to join him and aid in the construction of his pagoda. 


Let them explore and interact, don’t try to plan outcomes in advance. This could play out as a combat, an investigation, as a stealth mission, etc. How they decide to approach the temple will determine how its inhabitants respond to them. 


As the players explore the temple use MAP TWO and the following location entries for guidance.  Anyone who approaches the temple will clearly see a line of monks moving regularly from the jade mine to the temple and see monks working on the jade pagoda. Bao is also visibly guarding the temple entrance. Note that the monks all follow a regular scheduled routine as well in terms of eating, sleeping, etc. And they all meditate in the Hall of Death Transcendence in the morning at sunrise and evening at sunset. 


1. Steps

These narrow stone steps form a steep ascent. They are otherwise normal, but Mi Bozhong created them to improve the temples’ defenses. If the players choose to attack the temple and do so from the steps while the monks and Bao have the higher ground, this ought to impose a -1 penalty to the player’s relevant defenses and -1d10 to relevant attack skills. 


2. Jade Mine

This is an extensive mine of a seemingly endless supply of Jade. It was created by Mi Bozhong when he made the mountain. The monks spend most of the day mining the jade and building the pagoda. At any given time in the day there are 1d10 monks inside the mine. There is enough jade here to devalue jade throughout Hai’an and the Zhan Dao empire if the players were to exploit it. 


3. Jade Pagoda 

This pagoda is presently about 200 feet high and made entirely of Jade. While it physically looks like a pagoda, it is actually a stairway intended to lead all the way to the moon when it is finished. Whether this insane enterprise can succeed is for the GM to determine. At any given time during daylight there are 1d10 monks working on the pagoda. 


4. Temple Entrance Platform 

The entrance platform has two large statues, one of Sun Mai and one of Bao. Through these figures, Mi Bozhong can sense sounds and sights no matter where he is on the temple grounds. Bao is also here standing guard (see her entry below). In addition there is a drum tower and bell tower. These are used for time keeping purposes but also to sound an alarm or communicate messages across the temple complex. There is always a monk assigned to each. 


5. Hall of the Eight Corpses

This hall houses eight figures. These statues are living stone guardians, benevolent in nature, who guard the temple grounds. They are each made in the likeness of one of the Eight Magistrates who judge people after death. These figures judge those who transgress the temple grounds, dealing non-lethal punishments and appealing to their reason and good nature to obey Mi Bozhong’s rules. They are too civilized to attack any intruders, instead they reason and judge. They have trace powers to alter reality around individuals. So, they can change a person’s body or affix a physical punishment to them. For example, they may say “Until you speak with Mi Bozhong and alert him to your presence, your sight shall be taken” and the target would find their eye lids sealed until they obeyed. They could also summon shackles and attach them to a stone weight to hinder their movement. Be creative and try to stay within the spirit of this power. 



See description above for more details. These figures are all 14 feet tall and can move their upper bodies, speak and see. They cannot move from their foundations, however. These corpses are each in the likeness of one of the Eight Magistrates (WHOG, 225). Like the Eight Magistrates they abide by the virtues of Filial Piety, Integrity, Order, Loyalty, Propriety, Righteousness, Tradition and Wisdom. However, they see Mi Bozhong as a benevolent figure and their master. Their role is to protect the temple grounds, rendering non-violent judgements on intruders to make them less of a threat. They can use their powers to alter peoples’ bodies temporarily and create other magical effects. 


Defenses: Hardiness 10, Evade None, Parry 7, Stealth 5, Wits 8, Resolve 9

Key Skills: Bite: Arm Strike: 3d10, Speed: 2d10, Detect: 2d10, Muscle: 6d10, Meditation: 3d10, Classics (All): 3d10, Religion (All): 3d10


Max Wounds: 25



Immunities: They only take damage from Kung Fu Techniques and magic. 


Create: The Eight Corpses have a trace of the Starlit Inkstones powers and use this to render their judgments. The GM should be creative, but they mostly use their abilities to alter peoples bodies temporarily to make them less of a threat, create objects or alter objects. They never harm people. And their changes always come with specific conditions (i.e. they may seal a person’s mouth and say it will restore when that individual has returned something that they stole). 


6. Central Garden Courtyard 

This is just a simple garden courtyard. However, the trees, plants, and even the fish in the ponds all have brilliant metallic colors as they were created by Mi Bozhong. 


6a. Hall of Death Transcendence 

This long hall is very simple, with the LOST SCRIPTURE OF SUN MAI tapestry placed at the back of the room (see description below). Before it are numerous mats for meditation. There are 1d10 monks here in the evening (half that in the daytime). Every morning at sunrise and at sunset, the monks and the abbot gather here to meditate and reflect on the scripture. In the western portion of the room is a wooden cage containing a partition cloth for privacy. Inside the cage is Jingzi. She wears the Belt of Mercy to prevent her from escaping (The BELT OF MERCY can be found in WHOG, 386). She also has a bed, personal items, a basin and other comforts. Her entry is below the description of The Lost Scripture of Sun Mai. 


Lost Scripture of Sun Mai: The tapestry is an image of Bao at a remote temple talking with Sun Mai who is seeming to transmit lessons to her. It has images of birds resembling the devouring vultures found on Life Transcending peak and words written upon it in Feishu. Most consider this a fake scripture, but the nuns have a lengthy scripture detailing a conversation between Bao and Sun Mai, where he is essentially says one can achieve immortality by going mad. There are numerous passages and phrases in it, but one of the key ones is to reach immortality Bao, force reality to step aside, awaken the mind to focus like a sharpened saber, then cut it to pieces and create a path through delusion. 


Jingzi is a nun from the Hanging Temple of Bao, who chased Mi Bozhong into his mountain but was defeated by him and placed inside this cage. She came to the temple as a child, brought by her grandmother who would no longer care for her. The grandmother remained at the temple but died soon after. She knows little of her parents, except that they criminals in Dee who wanted nothing to do with her. 

Jingzi has spent her time in the cage improving her martial arts and reflecting. She has come to believe the division between the Perfect Realm and the Human Realm is an illusion and hopes to escape that illusion through meditation. However her time here has also hardened her and made Jingzi less compassionate than the other nuns who remain at the Hanging Temple of Bao. She is patient but hopes to escape and place the Belt of Mercy on Mi Bozhong so he can endure what she has. 

Defenses: Hardiness 5, Evade 3, Parry 5, Stealth 6, Wits 6, Resolve 9

Key Skills: Grapple: 2d10, Throw: 2d10, Arm Strike: 3d10, Leg Strike: 2d10, Light Melee: 1d10, Medium Melee: 1d10, Heavy Melee: 2d10, Small Ranged: 0d10, Speed: 2d10, Muscle: 2d10, Meditation: 2d10, Religion (Bao): 3d10, Religion (Qi Zhao): 2d10, Ritual (Ancestor Veneration): 2d10, Talent (Singing): 2d10


Qi: 4

Max Wounds: 9

Weapons: None

Key Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 2, Qinggong 1, Neigong 1): Clutch of the Hawk, Fierce Strike, Fluttering Kicks, Spear Swipe, Spear of the Infinite Emperor, Iron Spirit (Counter), Iron Body (Counter), Iron Spirit Reversal (Counter) 

6b. Monks Quarters

These are the halls where the monks sleep. There are beds and simple daily items here. However, if the players search they will find evidence that something is amiss. Many of the monks have made poems, paintings, attempts at gazetteers and history. In everything they create they can depict Life Transcending Peak perfectly. However, all of their descriptions and paintings of the outside world have notable gaps, sometimes bizarre ones. For example, a monk who attempts to paint his father, may not be able to draw the face. There are 1d10 monks here at any given time and nearly all are here at night. 


7. Jade Courtyard 

This is the abbot’s personal courtyard. It has a pond, a small bridge over the pond and many flowers. There is also a statue of Supreme Judge Yu here, which Mi Bozhong often spends time evaluating, trying to discover some hidden weakness. It is a perfect likeness of Supreme Judge Yu. 


8. Abbot’s Hall 

This is the Abbot’s sleeping quarters and where he keeps his writing studio. In the studio, there are stacks of paintings containing everything that exists on the mountain. If any of these are destroyed, then that thing is destroyed in reality too. For instance, there are 39 images of monks, if the players rip one up, one of the monks dissipates like fading ink. There is a 2 in 10 chance that Mi Bozhong is here during the day and a 6 in 10 chance he is here at night. 





Bao was created by Mi Bozhong from the image of Bao in the tapestry. She wears blue robes and has a kushen sabre. She believes she is the Bao of history and legend protecting a temple dedicated to Sun Mai. However, she is more ruthless than the historical Bao. She believes that Mi Bozhong is engaged in a great enterprise and that the monks are ‘the multiplicity of awakened Sun Mai’. Her aim is to protect Mi Bozhong, the temple and ensure that the jade is extracted. However, if she comes to understand that she is not Bao this will send her into an emotional spiral and search for meaning. 


Defenses: Hardiness 7, Parry 5, Evade 7, Stealth 7, Wits 7, Resolve 7

Key Skills: Arm Strike: 4d10, Grapple: 3d10, Medium Melee: 4d10, Heavy Melee: 3d10, Muscle: 2d10, Speed: 2d10, Endurance: 3d10, Detect: 3d10, Athletics: 3d10, Meditation: 3d10, Religions/Gods (Qi Zhao): 1d10, Classics (Scriptures of Sun Mai): 1d10, History (Era of the Demon Emperor): 2d10, Survival (Mountains): 4d10, Survival (Wilderness): 3d10, Trade (Stone): 3d10


Qi: 8

Max Wounds: 17

Weapons: Kushen Sabre (3d10 Attack, 3d10 Damage), Metal Staff (4d10 Attack, 3d10 Damage)

Combat Techniques: Arm Strike-Outside Fighter, Medium Melee-Counter, Medium Melee-Momentum


Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 1, Neigong 1, Dianxue 1, Qinggong 1): Biting Blade, Blade of Sky, Elephant Stance, Lift of the Phantom Raider, Dancing Hawk Sword Stance, Straight Punch, Great Stride, Trapping Wind, Killing Claws of the Bear, Purge Affliction, Zhong Huang Shifting Elixir, Mrs. Wu's Leg Taking Sword, Trembling Strike, The Gentle Footsteps of Timeless Perennial, Emanating Palm, Eluding Viper, Liver Strike, Reverse Punch, Iron Minded Fool, Dance of the Bixie, Stone Head, Spearing Blade, Cleave of the Saber, Bixie Stars Strike, Clutch of the Hawk (Counter), Grasp of the Python (Counter), Armor of the Chrysanthemums (Counter), Deflecting Canopy (Counter)


Profound Techniques: Blazing Blade, Blade of Enduring Strike, King Viper's Arms of the Slow Burning Volcano, One-Hundred Oxen



Each of these men resemble Sun Mai from the tapestry. They were created two years ago by Mi Bozhong with the Starlit Inkstone. They all have false memories and believe themselves to be mortal men. But one, a monk named Liu, realizes the truth. He began meditating and reflecting on his life, progressing through each memory in sequence in real time, and came to understand when he reached memories older than two years there was no time between them, they all came at once. 


Defenses: Hardiness 5, Parry 6, Evade 4, Stealth 8, Wits 7, Resolve 7

Key Skills: Arm Strike: 2d10, Grapple: 1d10, Leg Strike: 1d10, Muscle: 2d10, Speed: 2d10, Detect: 3d10, Medicine: 3d10, History (Era of the Demon Emperor): 2d10, Places/Cultures (Hai'an): 1d10, Read Script (Feishu): 1d10, Religions/Gods (Qi Zhao): 1d10, Classics (Scriptures of Sun Mai): 3d10, Talent (Cooking): 2d10, Talent (Calligraphy): 3d10, Trade (Stone): 3d10, Trade (Wood): 2d10, Trade (Fabric): 2d10, Survival (Mountains): 2d10, Survival (Wilderness): 2d10


Qi: 2

Max Wounds: 5

Combat Technique: Unarmed-Fists of Steel


Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 1, Dianxue 3): Nine Divine Snakes, Roundhouse Kick, Sealing the Winds of Gushan, White Flower Palm, Four-Point Touch, Bladder Strike, Grasp of the Python (Counter)



Mi Bozhong looks like a disheveled sage or poet and has a robust physique. He wild and intense, unbound by the normal rules of human propriety, following impulse and a desire to create meaningful works, but also very curious about people and friendly when he is calm. Created by the Starlit Ink Stone to make itself into a god, Mi Bozhong remembers entering a dream and stealing the inkstone (but can’t recall from who). The dream has not ended and is making Mi Bozhong mad. He is driven to aid the inkstone, though he confuses it with himself, as they are one. His plan is to build a stairway to the moon and restrain Supreme Judge Yu with the Belt of Mercy. Mi Bozhong first seeks immortality and believes the Nuns of Bao know a path to achieve it through madness which is why he stole the tapestry and studies it. 


He went to the hanging Temple of Bao, stole the belt of Mercy along with a tapestry of Sun Mai and Bao then fled into a mountain peak he created through the ink stone. There he made a temple based on the tapestry. He then drew monks using Sun Mai’s face, and then a temple guard based on Bao. After this he populated the area with strange boa trees and birds that rent flesh. One nun, Jingzi reached the temple, and he imprisoned her and placed the belt of mercy around her waist, hoping to force her to teach him the Nuns of Bao’s secrets to immortality. He is linked to the Starlit Inkstone. If it is damaged, so is he. For information on the inkstone see THE STARLIT INKSTONE: A STRANGE SANDBOX. 


Defenses: Hardiness 5, Parry 6, Evade 6, Stealth 9, Wits 9, Resolve 10

Key Skills: Arm Strike: 3d10, Heavy Melee: 4d10, Small Ranged: 3d10, Muscle: 3d10, Speed: 4d10, Detect: 3d10, Medicine: 3d10, Meditation: 3d10, Trade (Architecture): 3d10, History (Era of the Demon Emperor): 4d10, Religion (Dehua): 3d10, Religion (Qi Zhao): 4d10, History (Era of the Compassionate Daughter): 1d10, Creatures (Monsters): 1d10, Institutions (Criminal Underworld): 3d10, Classics (Scriptures of Sun Mai): 3d10, Classics (Rites of Wan Mei): 2d10, Classics (Glorious Histories): 1d10, Talent (Calligraphy): 4d10, Talent (Painting): 4d10, Talent (Poetry): 3d10, Rites (Activation): 3d10, Rites (Create Paper Talisman): 3d10, Ritual (Celestial Spirit Ritual): 3d10, Rituals (Spell of the Golden Fireball): 4d10


Qi: 12

Max Wounds: 25

Weapon: Fire Lance (4d10 Attack, 5d10 Damage)

Equipment: Starlit Inkstone

Combat Techniques: Heavy Melee-Reach, Arm Strike-Fists of Steel, Heavy Melee-Set-up, Arm Strike-Inside Fighter, Heavy Melee-Hefty Crush, Arm Strike-Outside Fighter


Kung Fu Techniques (Neigong 2, Dianxue 2): Liver Strike, Iron Foot StanceBladder Strike, Four-Point Touch, Ringing Strike of the Divine Ram, Flower Fist of the Snake, Reclining Stick Stance, Thousand Pound Finger Technique, Inhuming Palm, Torment of the Phoenix, Thunder Fist, Triple Yang Strike, The Hand of the Ox Tail, Gallbladder Strike, Emanating Palm, Gushan's Gambit, Preserve Breath, Strike of the Raging Tiger, Liver Stagnation Strike, Crushing Blow of the Meteor Hammer, Invincible Fist, Fragrant Fist of the Snake, Blast of the Dragon Breath, Iron Fist Strike, Charge of the Elephant, Bone Rattling Finger, Trembling Strike, Calming Profundity, Crippling Ying Finger, Nine Divine Snakes, Blade Pinch (Counter), Iron Body (Counter)


Profound Techniques: King Viper's Arms of the Slow Burning Volcano, Bursting Butterfly Barrage, Throttling Web, Jade Ribbon Burst, Fists of Flame, Tremoring Step, Iron Strike, Lily of the Poisoned Mind, One-Hundred Oxen, Turning Spear of Emo Cheng (Counter)


Create: Anything Mi Bozhong paints or writes with the starlit inkstone becomes true. 






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