Friday, October 4, 2024


Playtesters: Ryan Turner, Elliot Nicoll, Joel Clark, and Adam Baulderstone


This adventure for Strange Tales of Songling is intended for a party of 2-4 players, with level 1-3 characters. While the two chief foes can still pose a danger, their focus on maintaining appearances means they will only harm the PCs if they must. But an optional foe is presented at the end if the GM wants to crank up the danger and drama. The Bride of Liao Manor blends slasher elements with the classic feel of Strange Tales. It also introduces to the game the possibility of creating a multi-path character. This is strictly optional and should only be allowed under the conditions described. 


Because The Bride of Liao Manor is investigation-based, the GM should read it at least three times to fully absorb all the details. The murders are not on a strict time scale but it is helpful to track time as the players move around and investigate, paying attention to the map key. Feel free to make adjustments to suit your style. 



The players are drawn to Henxian County where a series of brutal stabbings have occurred. The magistrate asks them to quietly investigate the matter. All the victims share the surname Liao. The players investigate and discover the killer is Huang Yu, a scholar under the influence of a strange new bride. She is little more than a ghostly face, floating in a shroud of robes who  has urged him to enact the murders against the Liao family so she can have her revenge against one of their ancestors. 



Three hundred years ago, Li Qinghui was the top beauty of Henxian County and married to a local tax collector named Huang Xiang. At the time Henxian was a remote area of the empire populated by small villages. She adored her husband’s erudition and preferred the simple secluded life they had created for themselves. One day, Liao Shi a rich fur trader and collector of macabre artifacts, saw Li Qinghui in the market and was taken by her beauty. Liao Shi had no desire to take her as his own bride as he was already married but desired to add her to his collection human faces. To obtain Li Qinghui’s face he sent his nephews to murder her and her husband. He then cut away her face and placed it amid his other artifacts. He only enjoyed his new treasure briefly, for the face of Li Qinghui lived on and controlled her corpse, which attacked the men of the Liao household. She killed all but one man, his nephew Liao Xiu, who managed to flee and get a Taoist priest from Zhenwu Temple to burn the body. Unable to find Qingui’s face afterwards, Liao Xiu vacated the manor and built a house in what is now Laoshi. She remained in the ruined estate, powerless without her body or someone to help her. 


Less than a year ago, Huang Yu, a teacher, was selected to head a small school in Laoshi. He found Liao Manor abandoned and moved in. At night he was visited by the still living face of Li Qinghui but was not afraid. He fell in love and she loved him in return, believing he was a descendent of her murdered husband. Huang Yu did not care that she was a ghostly face as he enjoyed her companionship. He took her as his bride and concealed her condition by wrapping her in robes and head scarves. But Li Qinghui still burned for revenge and pleaded for her new husband help kill the descendants of Liao Shi. Because he was a weak scholar, she encouraged him to train, using the Eight Stance Sword Manual. Slowly he improved and began murdering the Liaos with her assistance. His first victim was Liao Nan, a local architect. Since then he murdered two more people: Liao Yuan (a drunk) and Liao Huan (a paper manufacturer). He still has a few more Liaos to kill.  



The players can be brought into the adventure however you wish. Most likely they are summoned to Henxian County by Magistrate Lu Xifan, who asks them to investigate the murders and put a stop to them without attracting any unwanted attention to the matter. He tells them that there are rumors of ghosts doing the killings and he doesn’t want such nonsense spread among the population. He has kept word about the murders under wraps, but word starts leaking out after the death of Liao Huan (see MURDER THREE). He doesn’t even want the remaining Liao men to know about the murders. 



The Magistrate will have Shao Bu assist the party in navigating the town. He can be available to them about 20% of the daytime, as he has many other duties he must tend to. Shao Bu will encourage them to seek out Han Si for additional assistance. 



The players can investigate freely. Use the map and descriptions to assist you while they do so. These murders are not on a strict timeline. The first three have already occurred. The next three happen when Huang Yu feels ready (so go with what seems natural to the flow of the adventure). If the players take too long and come to Huang Yu’s attention, eventually he will target them. However he will be quite careful about how they do it. After the sixth murder, Huang Yu’s sister will inform the party of his guilt.  


The first two bodies are already buried and would need to be dug up to perform another inquest. The victim from Murder Three, Liao Huan, is still at the Sheriff’s Office (See 16. SHERIFF OFFICE in TOWN OF LAOSHI ENTRY) 


The map is marked with ‘M’ and a number to indicate where the bodies were found (i.e. M1=Murder One, M3=Murder Three). 


Initial medical exams were done quickly. 


Murder One (4 months ago): Liao Nan, a reputable architect  (see 11. LIAO NAN RESIDENCE in TOWN OF LAOSHI). Found one mile outside of town on the road. This was Huang Yu’s first murder and somewhat sloppy. He invited Liao Nan to Liao Manor and told him to not inform anyone as the purpose of the meeting was to redesign the house as a surprise for his wife. The plan was for Li Qinghui to terrify him before his death so she could have satisfactory vengeance. She appeared suddenly but he was so frightened he fled and made it several miles towards town before Huang Yu caught and stabbed him in the back. He has a wide wound. On a TN 6 medicine roll, it is clear that he had been physically active, died at three in the afternoon, most likely was running for some several miles. Bronze slivers are visible inside the wound on a TN 10 Medicine roll. 


Murder Two (1 month ago): Liao Yuan, a drunken vagrant. Found at the intersection leading to Cedar Wood Temple in a ditch. He had been followed by Huang Yu and by Li Qinghui, who wanted to witness his death throes. Li Qinghui dropped her robes and veil and he saw her face floating after him on the way to the wine shop (see KANG LU WINE SHOP entry). After drinking at the wine shop in the afternoon he headed towards Laoshi but was frightened by Li Qinghui near where her robes dropped earlier and he fell into the ditch. There he was stabbed by Huang Yu in the heart. A Medicine roll TN 8 can determine he was very drunk but also terrified and that he saw his killer. Again, the blade is a wide dagger, and on a TN 8 Medicine roll, traces of bronze can be found in the wound. If anyone searches the nearby woods, Li Qinghui’s robes and veils are still there amid the trees but damaged from the elements (Detect or Survival TN 10). Murdered at 6 in the evening. 


Murder Three (day of PCs arrival): Liao Huan, a paper manufacturer. He received a mysterious letter that read “the mulberry bark on the southern shores of Heron lake are good for making paper.” Intrigued he went to inspect the area only to be ambushed by Huang Yu, who stabbed him three times in the back. After this killing, Huang Yu went to the lake to clean his dagger and was spotted by Fisherman Xi. Medicine TN 6 shows traces of antique bronze. Murdered early in the morning. See 12. THE TRANSLUCENT HEART for his place of business and 13. LIAO HUAN RESIDENCE for further clues.


Murder Four (future): Liao Hai, cook and proprietor of Liao Hai Restaurant. Liao Hai is on his way to Zhenwu temple when he gets ambushed by Huang Yu. However, he is more capable than the other victims and armed. Liao Hai manages to cut Huang Yu in the leg with his cleaver. Huang Yu still manages to kill him; this time he impales Liao Hai in the throat with his dagger. After this murder he begins stabbing in the throat as much as possible. See 14. LIAO HAI RESTAURANT for more clues. 


Murder Five (future): Shao Bu, the head clerk for Magistrate Lu Xifan. Huang Yu will try to kill him when he is alone and away from people. Most likely this is on the outskirts of town in the woods. If the Huang Yu’s bronze dagger hasn’t already broken off, it does so here and a portion of it left behind in the wound. The murder will be swift, a stabbing from behind. Then a final stab to the throat, where the blade breaks in half and a portion lodges inside. However, Shao Bu manages to scrawl characters in a nearby rock with his own blood as he dies and it reads “Liao”. This is his attempt to inform those who would investigate that he is a member of the Liao family. However, it may be misread as pointing to Liao Manor. See 2. SHAO BU RESIDENCE in TOWN OF LAOSHI for more details about him.


Murder Six (future): Liao Yan, the iron smith. Yan is the last of the of the Liao family and is stabbed in the throat while gathering wood to make charcoal near Heron lake. There is a bloody palm print and fingerprints left by Huang Yu on a nearby tree. A TN 6 Medicine Roll reveals no traces of bronze. However, it is clear this is a made with a fresh blade.  See 15. SMITH YAN in TOWN OF LAOSHI for more details. 


Huang Yi: At some point after the sixth murder, Huang Yu’s sister, Huang Yi, gets suspicious and investigates. She learns he is the killer and goes to the PCs to alert them. 



Let the investigation play out. If the players discover Laoshi is the murderer right away, that is fine. The adventure is set up so that the players eventually learn the truth from Huang Yu’s sister if they fail to piece everything together. 


Autopsies and Forensics 

The party can use the Medicine Skill as forensics. In this setting forensics is more advanced than one might assume. It can be used to determine things like cause of death, if the corpse was displaced, the type of weapon used based on the wound, find materials left behind in the wounds, angle of stabbings, what the victim was doing at the time of death based on bodily function, if the wound was self-inflicted, etc. 


One thing they can learn is that fragments of an old bronze weapon were found in the wounds. If the party doesn’t have medicine skill, they can seek someone in town who does. They can also talk to Han Si, a retired magistrate who knows a great deal about forensics and investigations (see 3. HAN SI in TOWN OF LAOSHI entry). 


Medicine skill can even be used for fingerprints if they are visibly left behind as the uniqueness of fingerprints are known (however there is not the modern luxury of a database of fingerprint records so they will have to check individual suspects). There are TNs listed for medicine rolls in the murder section. If characters take their time and perform a proper autopsy, in a well-lit environment with appropriate tools, they can effectively take a 10-result provided they at least have a Medicine rank of 1d10. If a TN is ten, just assume it takes double the time to get an automatic 10. 


Any Wandering Swords who examine the bodies can discern that the killing stroke used a common technique found in the Eight Stance Sword Manual by Ru Han*. There are many variations of this technique, but Ru Han’s methods are distinct. There is more evidence to be found on this matter at 4. PURPLE CLOUD BOOK SHOP in the TOWN OF LAOSHI entry. 


*This is a specific variation of the Life Eradicating Sword technique on page 17 of the STRANGE TALES OF SONGLING rulebook. 


Adapting to the PCs

While this adventure provides clear clues and ways of obtaining them, the PCs are free agents in a living world so the GM ought to be flexible and creative when responding to unexpected avenues of investigation. This is a setting with a robust record keeping bureaucracy, the PCs might decide to take an angle not planned for in the adventure but that makes sense in the context of a town in Ancient China or a setting inspired by Chinese history. When this happens, and it seems like a reasonable outcome of their efforts, give the players relevant clues or information. Not only are there endless ways to discover the clues laid out in the adventure, there are clues to be found that I didn’t anticipate while writing it. 


Gamemasters are also encouraged to adjust to different approaches the players take in terms of dealing with NPCs and opponents. For example, in one of my playtests, the players learned about the Massacre of Liao Manor from Shao Bu, but then asked him to turn the account into a poem sympathetic to Li Qinghui. He  got a 10 on his Talent Skill roll so it was quite a moving piece. They then had him recite it to her as they were having a final confrontation and this ultimately led to a peaceful solution where Li Qinghui and her husband agreed to stop the murders if the players covered for them and reported to the magistrate that Huang Yu was innocent and the real killer had fled the region. 



The players may hear versions of the massacre of Liao Manor. Unless they hear it directly from Li Qinghui, Huang Yu, or Shao Bu the account may be vague or have spotty details. Any time the legend comes up, the GM should refer to the background section and improvise, mixing in some truth and some fiction. What is popularly known is there was a great tragedy at the manor three hundred years ago where most of the men were killed. Accounts vary, some say it was a massacre caused by a business rival, others a ghost who came to haunt them, and some claim it was a fated disaster from heaven. But specifics are usually lacking unless they get it from a source like Shao Bu. At this point it is a local urban legend with multiple forms.  


If the investigation stalls or if the players meander, feel free to roll randomly on the table for clues coming to them by chance. These can be through conversations they overhear, people approaching them when they realize they are investigating the murders, or information they happen upon quite by chance (for example overhearing a conversation about Huang Yu or seeing an opera performed in the street that recounts the original murder of the Liao Men). Some of these clues are slightly off the mark due to being a product of hearsay. 



Roll 1d10                    Result

1                                 Teacher Huang Yu of Liao Manor a strange and beautiful woman who was seen in Laoshi recently. See LIAO MANOR 

2                                 Three Hundred Years ago the Liao men of Liao Manor were killed by a ghost. See BACKGROUND

3                                 Poet Shao Bu is fated to die this year. See 2. SHAO BU RESIDENCE in TOWN OF LAOSHI, MURDER FIVE and B. MADAME ZHAO’S FORTUNE TELLING in 7. WATERFALL MARKET entry of TOWN OF LAOSHI

4                                 If Thunderclap Ma were here, he would find the killer and deliver justice. See 4. PURPLE CLOUD BOOK SHOP in TOWN OF LAOSHI and THUNDERCLAP MA entry at end of the adventure 

5                                 A ghostly face has been seen in the woods, so say people at KANG LU WINE SHOP

6                                 Liao Hai says he is going to save the Liao’s by going to Zhenwu temple, See MURDER FOUR and 14. LIAO HAI RESTAURANT in TOWN OF LAOSHI. 

7                                 Liao Huan received a letter the day he was murdered see MURDER THREE then 12. THE TRANSLUCENT HEART and 13. LIAO HUAN RESIDENCE in TOWN OF LAOSHI.

8                                 The murder weapon is an antique. See C. LONG CI’S ANTIQUES in 7. WATERFALL MARKET in the TOWN OF LAOSHI entry. 

9                                 The villages are a good source of information. They hear and spread lots of rumors.

10                              Roll on TABLE TWO 



Roll 1d10                    Result

1                                 Liao Nan was seen near LIAO MANOR the day he died. See MURDER ONE and 11. LIAO NAN RESIDENCE in TOWN OF LAOSHI

2                                 The students of Laoshi Academy know something about the murders

3                                 Lu Dao’s wife may have information about the murders. See 10. HUANG YI RESIDENCE in TOWN OF LAOSHI.

4                                 Some say a scholar in town has married a ghost 

5                                 Fisherman Xi may have seen something. See MURDER THREE and 8. FISHERMAN XI in TOWN OF LAOSHI. 

6                                 There is a woman with no body haunting the woods. She chased Liao Yuan the day he died. See MURDER TWO. 

7                                 Someone’s robes were spotted in the woods near where Liao Yuan died. See MURDER TWO and KANG LU WINE SHOP. 

8                                 People say Huang Yu’s wife, Li Qinghui has an unnatural beauty and walks in an unearthly manner. There are rumors she is an immortal or a demon. See LIAO MANOR. 

9                                 Poet Shao Bu is secretly a member of the Liao family. See 2. SHAO BU RESIDENCE  

10                              Someone saw Huang Yu with a bloody dagger not far from one of the murders. See MURDER THREE then 12. THE TRANSLUCENT HEART and 13. LIAO HUAN RESIDENCE in TOWN OF LAOSHI. 



Leadership: County Magistrate Lu Xifan 

County Seat: Town of Laoshi

Sheriff: Zhao Deng (16 constables: 10 in the Laoshi, two groups of 3 spread in county) 

Resources: Wheat, Sorghum, wine, millet, crafted goods, timber, paper and lacquer 

Seat: Town of Laoshi (population 11,000) 


Henxian county is a place of stunning natural beauty. It is placid and remote, with brisk winters and hot dry summers. The air is cool as autumn arrives and always filled with a fragrant cedar aroma. In Henxian County, gentry, officials and soldiers can carry swords, but others are generally not allowed to do so except on special occasions. However, they make allowances for characters like the PCs who may be part of the Jianghu. Daggers however are permitted. This is important because the murder weapon is a dagger.


There are a range of animals and plant life here including heavy forests of oak, red pine and cedar. The woods are also inhabited by black bears, mice, foxes and racoon dogs. Herons are plentiful and feed on the abundant supply of spiny bitterlings and in the rivers and lake. The waters here are also home to large numbers of carp and catfish.  



Leadership: Magistrate Lu Xifan

Population: 11,000


The town of Laoshi is spread around the edge of Heron Lake and its southern and western boundaries are ringed by an expanse of sorghum fields. All the houses are made from wood and beautifully crafted. The town is unusually pleasant to walk through and the scent of freshly cut cedar hangs in the air. Its artisans are known throughout the empire for their quality goods, particularly wood-crafted items like furniture. They also produce a large amount of paper and have a vibrant intellectual community. Restaurants and inns are affordable and high quality. The people here adore poems and tales of swordsmen. Presently Thunderclap Ma is regarded as the world’s top hero by many of the locals (see 4. PURPLE CLOUD BOOK SHOP). 


There are a number of important clues in town. If the players ask around they can learn the following on a Survival Roll TN 6 (they can keep rolling every hour): 

  • People believe a ghost is behind the killing
  • The Liao family used to reside at Liao Manor centuries ago but an awful tragedy befell the place and they dispersed 
  • The Waterfall Market is a good place to get information in town
  • The villages of the county are worth investigating 
  • There are rumors that the ghost of Zhenwu temple is more active in recent months 
  • Madame Zhao knows who the next victim is going to be (see B. MADAME ZHAO in 7. WATERFALL MARKET section). 
  • Weapons are not sold in town but one can sometimes find them in antique stores 

Once the players arrive and see the magistrate let them investigate at their leisure using the descriptions below. After the town of Laoshi entry the other areas of the county are described. 



Sheriff Zhao is responsible for investigating criminal matters but has been taking an intentionally light hand with the Liao murders. The magistrate’s clerk, Shao Bu, usually manages the Sheriff’s investigations and reports back to the magistrate. Shao Bu’s reports and notes form the foundation of the magistrate’s judgement in cases. So, they often are together. The bodies from the murders that have not yet been buried are in the inquest chamber of the Sherif’s Office. He will assist the players with information but doesn’t want to openly aid the characters unless absolutely necessary. 



This is a typical yamen structure, where the magistrate lives and holds court. His clerk SHAO BU, is known about town as a poet and remembers something of the history of the Liao Manor (see 2. SHAO BU RESIDENCE for more information). This is also where records are kept. 


Records Office: There is a wide range of information available in the records office, which Shao Bu can assist them with. The GM should use this freely if the PCs look into things like tax records, criminal records, etc. Even transactions at the market are taxed and accurate records kept. One detail they may find here, which is long forgotten, is that the name Laoshi is a product of a change to escape the name Liao Shi. After the Liao Manor massacre, the growing town developed an association with Liao Shi and folks would refer to it as Liao Shi Town. The name was changed and records of the massacre burned, but there are trace records still kept here on the matter. 



The Magistrate is a practical and cautious man. He doesn’t like to attract imperial attention or ire, so he is encouraging the players to investigate quietly. He could send his constables to do the job, but fears embarrassment. Because there are rumors of ghostly legend afoot, he would rather shift the investigation to the Jianghu. He is concerned, because the murders are peculiar, and worries that someone is setting him up to look foolish before the imperial court. He is also anxious that beliefs in ghosts are spreading among the populace. Magistrate Lu Xifan does not believe in such things. If the players discover real ghosts are involved he will be skeptical but should they persuade him, he asks the party to destroy the ghosts and any evidence of them.


The magistrate tolerates a certain amount of corruption among the yamen employees solely so they can earn a fair living, but he draws the line at corrupting the justice process and never personally takes bribes himself. At the same time, he looks down upon them for being susceptible to bribery, even if it is out of some necessity. Magistrate Lu Xifan is openly contemptuous of Shao Bu, his clerk, whom he regards as overly ambitious and lecherous. 


Defenses: Hardiness 3, Evade 3, Wits 9

Key Skills: Arm Strike: 0d10, Speed: 1d10, Muscle: 0d10, Persuade: 2d10, Empathy: 1d10, Reasoning: 3d10, Detect: 1d10, Institutions: 3d10, Places: 2d10, History: 2d10, Languages: 3d10, Read Script: 3d10, The Classics: 3d10, Religion: 2d10, Ritual: 1d10, Survival: 1d10


Level: 5 in Scholar 

Max Wounds: 2


Scholar Abilities: Character Observation, Frantic Research, Flee, Astute Observation



This small dwelling is the house of Shao Bu and his mother, Murong Xiuying, and sister, Bai. Their father, Shao Zhanhao, died ten years ago. Shao Bu is the chief clerk of the county magistrate. 


Clues: Shao Bu knows had his fortune read and learned he is going to die this year, so he believes he is the next victim. If pressed he can explain he is a member of the Liao family but he would only do this under duress. He also can tell them the story of the Liao Manor murder (see his entry below for more details). 



Shao Bu is the most senior clerk for Magistrate Lu Xifan but also a talented poet who is known about town for his carousing. He has a strong dislike towards Magistrate Lu Xifan which he doesn’t openly express. He knows the story of Li Qinghui well, for Shao Bu’s grandfather changed their family surname from Liao to Shao to help them evade the ghost’s wrath. The murders make him nervous, both for his own life and worry that he will somehow wrongfully be implicated in them. He thinks it is a matter of time before she uncovers his true identity. He recently went to MADAME ZHAO to have his fortune read and she said he would die before reaching age 28. He is presently 27 and now very fearful he is the killer’s next victim (see B. MADAME ZHAO’S FORTUNE TELLING in area 7. WATERFALL MARKET of this section). 


Shao Bu will be interested if he learns the party is investigating the murders and make a point of befriending them, with the aim of indirectly influencing their investigation by telling them the tale if he has a chance, but as a legendary poem for entertainment, not true history.  


Shao Bu’s duties including drafting, filing and copying documents, keeping official records, conducting land surveys for taxation purposes, posting official notices, and generally acting as a middleman for the magistrate as well as handling any other matters pertaining to the function of the county court. Occasionally he must work with the sheriff as well. He has several clerks to handle minor tasks working beneath him. While most of the other clerks are uneducated locals, Shao Bu is actively studying for the imperial exams.


Defenses: Hardiness 3, Evade 4, Wits 7
Skills: Arm Strike: 0d10, Speed: 1d10, Muscle: 0d10, Detect: 2d10, Persuade: 2d10, Command: 1d10, Survival: 1d10, Talent: 2d10, History: 1d10, Read Script: 2d10, Classics: 1d10

Max Wounds: 2



This is the home of the retired official, Han Si. He is well respected in town and often helps the magistrate with his wisdom and experience. Han Si performs the inquests for the Sherif’s office when they are needed. The home itself is modest but has a large library containing books on everything from theories of governance to anomaly accounts. 


Clues: Han Si is himself something of a clue generator. Players who bring him into their investigation should roll more frequently on the CLUES-BY-CHANCE TABLE. He can also give them helpful advice like encouraging them to question people in the villages.   



Han Si is a retired county magistrate who pioneered a number of forensic methods in his youth, helping to solve many perplexing cases. Now he is old and lives in peace. He has grown lazy with age but a younger party of investigators may prompt him to be less so. He can help the party if they need someone to examine the bodies or look at any of the evidence. Han Si is benevolent and intellectually curious. He is most enthusiastic and vibrant when puzzling through a difficult problem. 


Due to age, Han Si is frail and not well suited to long travel. He can come with the party if they need but his body is weak and combat poses a greater risk to him than others. 


Defenses: Hardiness 2, Evade 6, Wits 8

Key Skills: Arm Strike: 0d10 (0d10 Damage), Speed: 2d10, Muscle: 1d10, Persuade: 2d10, Empathy: 2d10, Detect: 2d10, Reasoning: 2d10, Poison: 1d10, Alchemy: 2d10, Medicine: 3d10, Divination: 1d10, Institutions: 3d10, Places: 3d10, History: 2d10, Religion: 2d10, Languages: 3d10, Read Scripts: 3d10, Classics: 3d10, Creatures: 1d10, Survival: 2d10


Max Wounds: 1



This shop is operated by a former traveler and swordsman named Purple Cloud, who has retired from the martial world and taken to writing exaggerated accounts of his own adventures. There are a wide variety of books on a range of topics, including books dealing with ghosts, swordplay, and history. He also sells his popular book series Records of the Three Cloud Wanderers. This is where Huang Yu purchased his sword manual. 


Clues: He can tell the party that Huang Yu purchased Eight Stance Sword Manual by Ru Han 9 months ago. 



Purple Cloud is tall and lean, wearing blue robes embroidered with violet clouds. He travelled for a few years trying to live the life of a heroic swordsman but quit shortly after he was badly wounded in an explosion in a fight with the notorious killer Thunderclap Ma. He still has burn and shrapnel scars on the left side of his body. After retirement he used his savings to open a bookshop and print books of his exploits (which became rather popular). His books are not the most well written but he can keep his readers entertained. Last year he received a written warning from Thunderclap Ma to change his depictions to that of a misunderstood hero. Because he fears the man, he agreed, and this has made Thunderclap Ma a person the locals celebrate (See THUNDERCLAP MA entry at end of adventure). 


Defenses: Hardiness 6, Evade 6, Wits 6

Key Skills: Arm Strike: 2d10, Leg Strike: 2d10, Melee: 3d10,  Athletics: 1d10, Speed: 2d10, Muscle: 2d10, Detect: 2d10, Command: 1d10, Reasoning: 1d10, Survival: 2d10, Talent: 1d10


Level: 3

Max Wounds: 2

Weapon: None (he no longer carries a sword)


Kung Fu: Block 1d10, Spinning Heel Kick, Leaping Strike, Fist of Iron



This is a small academy funded by a group of local merchants hoping their children can rise higher in society who all belong to the Wooden Jewel Society. Huang Yu teaches here every morning. The students are mostly children of merchants involved in the wood trade. 


Clues: The students report Huang Yu has been acting strange since taking his wife, who is herself also unusual as they have seen her more than anyone. At first they admired her beauty and grace but something about her unnerves the students. They can also tell the party that Huang Yu lives at Liao Manor and walks here each day. If the players ask how he is behaving strangely, they say he is more easily agitated and often seems distracted. He also looks stronger and more fit. 



See HUANG YU entry in the LIAO MANOR section. 



This is a lumber yard mostly for cedar. There is a whole system in place for sending lumber down the river on rafts. 


Clues: One of the workers saw Liao Nan near Liao Manor the day he died. He said he had a meeting with Huang Yu about designing a house but that it was a secret. See MURDER ONE entry. 



This large wooden structure is multilevel, resembling a mountain and functions as the morning market. There are stalls selling a variety of wares, services, etc. Here you will find fortune tellers, calligraphers, painters, comb merchants, lacquered goods and more. The market is overseen by two market heads (clerks from the magistrates office). 


These are the most notable places in the market relevant to the investigation. 



Han Guo sells furniture made locally and imported from other regions. His pieces span a range of prices, including a number of luxury items. Mostly he sells tables, bed frames, couches and tables. 


Clues: Huang Yu and Li Qinghui came here to buy a bed frame with butterflies and flower motifs carved into the sides. Han Guo was struck by Li Qinghui’s beauty but didn’t understand why she covered everything but her face in cloth. He can report that she moved with unapparelled grace, “like a fish in water”. 



Madame Zhao has a fortune telling stall and can read the players fortunes. She mostly uses astrology. She charges 90 coins but claims her methods are extremely accurate. 


Clues: She read Shao Bu’s fortune and determined he was going to die this year. In fact she believes he is the next victim of the killer, though she hasn’t told Shao Bu that. She also knows that Shao Bu is a secret member of the Liao family. However, this information she considers valuable and won’t part with it for less than 100 coins. 


For the purposes of telling fortunes, treat Madame Zhao as having a Divination Skill of 3d10. 



Long Ci sells antique objects and this is where Huang Yu obtained his bronze dagger. This shop has a little bit of everything, including items that date back thousands of years. There are also many forgeries. Anything in the shop has a 1 in 10 chance of being counterfeit. 


Clues: Long Ci sold Huang Yu his Bronze Dagger of Dian Kingdom Era. If players come here simply looking for any known bronze weapon, he can tell them about this. And Huang Yu paid him to not file records with the tax collector. 



This is a shop of fine clothing for the gentry. Everything here is well made but twice the normal price. The shop is operated by Miss Cha Ziqi. She openly favors the gentry and looks down on others. 


Clues: This is where Huang Yu purchased LI Qinghui’s clothing. If her robes and other items are found in the woods near the second murder site (see MURDER TWO in MURDERS AND INVESITIGATIONS) then Miss Ziqi can verify that they were purchased by Huang Yu for his wife.  



Fisherman Xi is in his 50s and married with 4 children. He operates a team of fishers in the area and has quite a successful business selling at the local market. 


Clues: While alone on his boat, he saw Huang Yu walking with a bloody sword after the third murder to the lake to clean it



Wong sells steel and copper implements, including weapons. However, only gentry and officials can buy weapons in town. He can sell daggers but has no bronze ones. 


Clues: If they come looking for a bronze dagger he will explain that he has none and suggests they go to an antique shop. After the fifth murder, Huang Yu comes here to buy a new dagger. 



This is actually the residence of Lu Dao, but his wife, Huang Yi is the sister of Huang Yu and a devout Buddhist. Lu Dao is a minor tax collector. Huang Yi has been concerned about her brother lately and this turns into suspicion after the third murder. At first, she suspects his new wife, whom she distrusts. She doesn’t know for sure but learns the truth after MURDER SIX. Eventually she may go to the PCs with her concerns when she learns the truth. 


Clues: After the sixth murder, she begins following her brother. He confesses but tells her that the murders are at an end. If they show the note written to Liao Huan to Lu Dao, being the tax collector he can recognize the penmanship belongs to Huang Yu on a Total Success on a 2d10 roll. See MURDER THREE for more details on Liao Huan. 



This is the home of the first murder victim, Liao Nan. His wife Lin and his daughters Ya and Ying live here and are in a deep state of grief. There is plenty of money to keep them going but they were a close family. Lin wants revenge and will directly ask the players to help her achieve it if they come here for information. See MURDER ONE in MURDERS AND INVESTIGATION section for full details.


Clues: The only thing Lin knows is that Nan had a meeting the day he died just outside of town somewhere, but he refused to say anything more. He didn’t seem fearful or concerned. 



This is a paper manufacturing workshop controlled by Liao Huan. Gao the supervisor can answer questions. He is very concerned after Liao Huan’s death. 


Clues: He told one of his men that he had a promising lead out by Heron lake the morning that he was killed, saying a mysterious benefactor had sent him a letter. He did not show the letter but it might be at his residence(See 13. LIAO HUAN RESIDENCE and MURDER THREE. Some here have heard heard Liao Yuan saw a ghost before his death from someone at the Kang Lu Wine Shop (see KANG LU WINE SHOP and MURDER TWO). 



Liao Huan and his wife did not get along. They were childless, and he provided well for her but gambled away the rest of their money. He also attracted her suspicions because he worked on the other side of town. There is no money left and she doesn’t know what she will do to survive. Though distracted by these concerns she can provide a letter he received. 


Clues: There is a letter on expensive paper here reading “the mulberry bark on the southern shores of Heron lake are good for making paper”. It is clearly well written. Anyone with Read Script can tell an educated man wrote it. On a Read Script TN 10 roll it is clear that a scholar who has recently taken up swordplay wrote it (a Wandering Sword Who closely examines the writing, should be able to see the traces of a budding swordsman in the script).  If used to compare directly with Huang Yu’s writing, it matches. See MURDER THREE in MURDERS AND INVESTIGATION section. 



Liao Hai claims to serve everything and anything. How he procures the ingredients is beyond anyone’s comprehension. His prices are reasonable and he is known to sell dishes that include the following: preserved and fresh fruit, roast duck, pigeon, pheasant stuffed with grapes, rabbit, grilled pork, chicken soup, exotic cheeses, apricots, baked buns, steamed buns, grapes, dates, cherries, ripe peaches, ginger plum sliced, tangerines, lambs tongue. Liao Hai will be the fourth murder victim unless the players do something to avert this. 


Liao Hai also resides in the upper floor with his wife, Liao Rong. Liao Rong knows the story of his family’s demise. He has plans to venture to Zhenwu Temple when he hears about the murders (and he will be killed when he does so: see MURDER FOUR). 


Clues: These clues can be obtained after MURDER FOUR takes place. His staff know that Liao Hai was very nervous about the murders and feared he would be killed. On the day he died he headed north to Zhenwu Temple because he knew that a priest there three hundred years ago had helped his ancestors avert a similar disaster. Liao Rong can relate the story of how the Liao men were killed by Qinghui. 



This is the home and smithy of Liao Yan. He has a blast furnace and a few employees who help him. Most of his wares are simple iron items and component pieces. The quality is good and standard price. His wife passed away from illness three years ago but he has an able-bodied son named Feng who will wish to help the PCs if his father is murdered. Feng is a skilled iron smith and can make anything the players wish for free. See MURDER SIX in the MURDERS AND INVESTIGATIONS section for more details. Keep in mind his murder does not occur until later in the adventure. 


Clues: These clues canbe obtained after MURDER SIX. Feng has seen a woman’s face in the trees periodically. He thought he was going crazy but now he wonders if it is a ghost that killed his father. If he sees Li Qinghui he can identify her as the face he saw in the woods. 



This is the constabulary, headed by Sheriff Zhao Deng. Zhao reports to the magistrate’s assistant Shao Bu (who also takes notes and sends reports on cases to the magistrate). He has 16 constables, but two groups of three are always on patrol around the county. The office has five holding cells and an inquest chamber. Sheriff Zhao relies on Han Si to perform handle autopsies during an inquest (see 3. HAN SI HOMESTEAD for details). Presently Liao Huan’s body is still in the inquest chamber but the first two murder victims have been buried (See MURDER THREE).  


Clues: The biggest clue here is the body of Liao Huan (see MURDER THREE). However Sheriff Zhao can inform them some basics about the case: all the victims share the surname Liao, Han Si did brief autopsies and may know more or be able to help the party, the holes and places of work of the victims would be good places to start, except for Liao Yuan, who was a vagrant and spent most of his time at Kang Lu Wine Shop. 



Sheriff Zhao owes his position to the magistrate’s generosity and friendship therefore he is instructing his men to be cautious investigating the murders so as not to cause political embarrassment for the county. The sheriff is sullen and not very popular with his men, but he is highly competent when he wishes to be. 


Defenses: Hardiness 4, Evade 5, Wits 6

Skills: Arm Strike: 1d10 (2d10 Damage), Melee: 1d10 (3d10 Damage), Ranged: 2d10 or 3d10 with Crossbow (1d10 damage), Detect: 3d10, Speed: 1d10, Muscle: 2d10, Medicine: 1d10, Institutions: 2d10, Command: 3d10, Survival: 2d10, Places: 1d10


Max Wounds: 2

Equipment: Sword (3d10 Damage), Cross Bow (1d10 Damage)



These are all locals, often recruited from among the village stalwart men. 


Defenses: Hardiness 4, Evade 5, Wits 6

Skills: Arm Strike: 1d10 (1d10 Damage), Melee: 1d10 (2d10 Damage), Ranged: 1d10 (1d10 Damage), Detect: 3d10, Speed: 1d10, Muscle: 1d10, Institutions: 1d10, Command: 2d10, Survival: 2d10


Max Wounds: 2

Equipment: Bows (1d10 Damage), Sword (2d10 Damage)



This is a guild of wood merchants, wood craftsmen and sellers headed by Chief Lin Feng. They are noted because they fund the Laoshi school where Huang Yu teaches. The members of the guild, particularly Lin Feng, are interested in seeing their children become true gentlemen and funded the school towards that end. 


Clues: They know Huang Yu well and can report that he married a woman who rarely shows herself but is said to be extraordinarily beautiful. They also know the home he inhabits was the site of a tragic event three hundred years ago, involving the slaughter of the Liao family. 



The villages are all small but investigating them can be useful. Each village knows one thing related to the investigation. Most villages are governed by a headman or elder who rely on stalwart men to maintain order. Most are farming villages (the crops here are sorghum, wheat and millet). The villages are also a good place for cheap crafted goods. The constables do patrol the villages as well. 


Heron Village: Huang Yu often comes here and has been seen with his wife on occasion. People say she moves like a bird in the sky. He bought a wet stone here from a local shop for a beautiful antique dagger. 


Lan Village: This small village is known mainly for the Orange Cedar Restaurant, which is famous for its braised ribs. Huang Yu and Li Qinghui came here once and a breeze caught her robes, one of the villagers, Su Qiji, witnessed this and claims there was nothing underneath.


Yan Village: Huang Yu was born here and the people are proud of his achievements, so share this information freely. They can also say he was not often lucky in love but recently married a beautiful woman and moved to Liao Manor. The consensus in the village is that his hard work has finally paid off.  


West Hill Village: They know that many of the Liao family were killed three hundred years ago and that Liao Manor is haunted. 


Xiaolu Village: They know that Liao Manor was once haunted by the ghost of a woman but that she was burned by a Taoist priest from Zhenwu temple, who was himself killed by bandits soon after. 


Xi Village: Many of the people here work for Fisherman Xi in LAOSHI. They know that Fisherman Xi may have seen something. There are rumors he saw a person who could be the killer. See 8. FISHERMAN XI in TOWN OF LAOSHI entry.  





This is a Chan Buddhist temple with an abbot and three monks. The abbot can help the party if they need someone capable to deal with Li Qinghui or Liao Shi. 



The Abbot has some experience dealing with spirits but considers such things a distraction from the Dharma. He is broad shouldered and has stark weathered features. His resting expression can seem menacing to those who do not know him, but his personality is gentle, and he considers the ramifications of his actions carefully. He is reluctant to leave the temple and is particularly concerned about the well-being of his monks. 


Defenses: Hardiness 5, Evade 5, Wits 7

Skills: Arm Strike: 2d10, Leg Strike: 2d10, Ranged: 1d10, Command: 1d10, Empathy: 1d10, Survival: 2d10, Trade: 1d10, Ritual: 2d10, Medicine: 1d10, Muscle: 2d10, Creatures: 2d10, Religion: 3d10


Level: 5 in Demon Hunter 

Max Wounds: 2

Equipment: Robes and prayer beads 


Kung Fu/Magic: Double Hand Strike, Ghost Sutra, Little Blades



This small shop is two stories and is set up to be open air on warm days (they have easily inserted outer walls for cold days). It is run by a short spirited woman in her 50s named Huo Xiaolei. Her husband, a quiet man named Wu Chang, also tends tables, but she is clearly the one in charge. They serve mostly sorghum wine noodle bowls. 


To see how many patrons are present roll 2d10 and add them together. A lot of rumors pass through this place and the more people the greater the chances the rumors are good. Every hour the players are here and asking around they can make a PERSUADE roll (have one person make a single roll for everyone). On a Success they can roll on the CLUES-BY-CHANCE TABLE. On Total Success on TABLE 2. The TN for the roll is based on the number of patrons present:


PATRONS PRESENT                      PERSUADE TN 

2-4                                                    10

5-7                                                     9

8-10                                                   8

11-13                                                 7

14-17                                                 6

18-20                                                 4 and if Total Success can roll on TABLE TWO 


Clues: In addition to the above Clues-By-Chance, they can provide the following information about Liao Yuan. The patrons here knew Liao Yuan well as he would buy drinks whenever he had money. The day he was killed he was at the wine shop and very shaken. He was also quite drunk. Yuan claimed someone had been following him around and he said he saw the face of a woman floating through the woods, menacing him along his journey from the town to the shop. See MURDER TWO in the MURDERS AND INVESTIGATION SECTION. 



This is a large and once luxurious courtyard house, now fallen into disrepair. Huang Yu has made it livable, but it is still quite dilapidated. Huang Yu and Li Qinghui reside here together as husband and wife, plotting their future and the killings. 


The house has front courtyard that leads to a hall where his studio, reception room and family shrine can be found. The hall leads to an inner courtyard with a well-kept garden with an outdoor kitchen area, beyond which are a hall housing his bedchamber and hall where food items and perishables are stored. The bed is a luxury item with butterfly and flower designs purchased from Han’s Furniture at the Waterfall Market (see A. HAN’S FURNITURE in 7. WATERFALL MARKET of TOWN OF LAOSHI). Huang Yu prefers to eat in the inner courtyard.


Clues: If the party comes to Liao Manor and asks about the history, Huang Yu will tell them the broad strokes, emphasizing the villainy of the Liaos but leaving out details of her being burned or any supernatural elements. Huang Yu often keeps his bronze dagger, the Eight Stance Sword Manual and other important items in his studio. 



Born in Yan Village, Huang Yu has been studying for years to take the imperial exams. He is a teacher and painter. Because Huang Yu is still relatively inexperienced with combat, he hedges his bets by planning his attacks carefully, often laying traps to render his foe more vulnerable to an attack. Li Qinghui assists by terrifying the victims. He has a sister in town named Huang Yi (see 10. HUANG YI RESIDENCE in TOWN OF LAOSHI entry). Huang Yu is well mannered, calm and articulate. 


Huang Yu has been learning swordplay from the Eight Stance Sword Manual by Ru Han. He uses a wide dagger instead of a sword. 


Responding to questions: If asked about being seen with the bloody dagger by Fisherman Xi (see 8. FISHERMAN XI in TOWN OF LAOSHI entry), he explains that he had been using it to practice sword play on a deer carcass because he felt he needed to learn in order to protect his new wife with all the recent killings going on. If asked about Liao Nan’s visit, he confesses to meeting and claims he remained quiet because he was afraid he would fall under suspicion (see MURDER ONE in MURDERS AND INVESTATION section). If asked why his wife’s robes were found near the second murder, he claims he and his wife visited the area to pay their respects when they learned Liao Yuan had been killed and that they were chased by a black bear, so she threw off her outer garments to distract it (see MURDER TWO in MURDERS AND INVESTIGATIONS). If asked why his writing matches the letter sent to LIAO HUAN, he will say a mysterious man hired him to write the letter (he makes up a quick description of the fake person on the fly); see MURDER THREE in MURDERS AND INVESTIGATION section. 


If his dagger should break he will buy a new one in town. After MURDER FOUR, Huang Yu has a cleaver wound on his leg. 


Defenses: Hardiness 3, Evade 3, Wits 9

Key Skills: Melee: 1d10, Persuade: 2d10, Reasoning: 2d10, Detect: 1d10, Classics: 3d10, History: 2d10, Language: 2d10, Read Script: 3d10, Places: 3d10, Religion: 2d10, Institutions: 2d10, Survival: 2d10, Theft: 2d10, Medicine: 2d10, Speed: 1d10


Max Wounds: 2 (1 if wounded by cleaver)

Weapon: Bronze Dagger of Dian Kingdom Era (Speed+1d10 Damage)

Level: 3 in Scholar, 1 in Wandering Sword 


Kung Fu: Block 0d10, Life Eradicating Sword  


Scholar Abilities: Character Observation, Stipend, Frantic Research, Flee


Bronze Dagger of Dian Kingdom Era: This dagger is very wide and appears to be over a thousand years old but unusually well preserved. It is in good shape but more brittle than a current blade. It does Speed+1d10 Damage. It leaves behind visible fragments in wounds when used. If it fails a damage roll by getting all 3s or less, it breaks in half.   



Li Qinghui is a floating layer of peeled skin, the face of a great beauty who, despite her loss of body, hair and bone, still possesses a charming countenance. She conceals her condition by ensconcing herself in robes and a veiled headdress. Her features are very much alive and she still has vibrant eyes. Though not very powerful, she has the ability to command the bodies of corpses. 


Li Qinghui still burns with a strong desire for revenge, but she is also in love with Huang Yu. It is her hope they can leave in peace together once she has killed the remaining Liao men. 


Defenses: Hardiness 2, Evade 7, Wits 8

Key Skills: Attack: 0d10 (0d10 Damage), Detect: 3d10, Speed: 3d10, Fly: 3d10, Detect: 1d10, Persuade: 3d10, Command: 2d10, History: 2d10


Max Wounds: 1


Fly: Li Qinghui can fly.


Immunities: Li Qinghui is immune to Mundane attacks. She can be harmed by magic but only temporarily as she returns after being destroyed. The only way to permanently kill her is with fire. 


Control Corpses: She can control any corpse within 100 feet of her. Use the stats below for such creatures. 



Any corpse near Li Qinghui can be controlled by her. This is also one possible means for her to attempt having a physical body should she wish. 


Defenses: Hardiness 6, Evade 2, Wits 1

Key Skills: Attack: 1d10 (1d10 Damage), Detect: 3d10, Speed: 0d10, Muscle: 1d10


Max Wounds:



This is an old Taoist temple once dedicated to Zhenwu, long since abandoned. However, the spirit of the priest who burned Li Qinghui’s body haunts the grounds and is friendly. He can share details of the history to the party. He was killed by bandits and has haunted the place since. 



Tan Chuyi was a Taoist priest in life but now haunts the temple as a ghost. A group of thirteen bandits, the Henxian Tigers, murdered him and took shelter in the temple from authorities. They too were killed. He appears as a Taoist priest dressed all in white with very pale skin and twenty-three bleeding wounds in his chest. He only appears at night. Chuyi cannot leave the temple grounds. 


Chuyi died nearly 300 years ago, shortly after he helped burn Li Qinghui’s body. The bandits riddled his body with arrows, and he perished in a state of great irritation. He recalls the details of Li Qinghui but is much more interested in discussing the annoyance he suffered at the hands of the thoughtless bandits. He is gregarious and still bitter about death. As a ghost he has no desire to cause harm. 


Defenses: Hardiness 4, Evade 6, Wits 7

Key Skills: Attack: 1d10, Detect: 2d10, Speed: 3d10, Fly: 2d10, Muscle: 1d10


Max Wounds: 2


Send to hell: On a successful attack he can send any spirit to the courts of hell. 


Fly: Chuyi can fly.


Immunities: Chuyi is immune to Mundane attacks. He can be harmed by magic and sunlight (causes 2d10 damage each round). 



You can use these events to spice up the campaign if you need. The arrival of Thunderclap Ma can happen any time. The Return of Liao Shi can occur if the party permanently destroys Li Qinghui. 



Liao Shi was once a powerful merchant and collector of human faces but was killed by the spirit of Li Qinghui after murdering her. His spirit rests peacefully knowing that that Qinghui’s beauty still resides in his manor. But should she be truly destroyed he will ‘appear’ as an invisible ghost and announce himself, to punish those responsible. Knowing others have destroyed his most valued treasure infuriates Liao Shi. 


Defenses: Hardiness 4, Evade 4, Wits 7

Key Skills: Attack: 2d10, Detect: 3d10, Speed: 3d10, Muscle: 1d10


Max Wounds: 4



Invisible: Invisible Ghosts are unseen and hard to strike. In order to hit them, one first must make a Detect roll against TN 8. Otherwise the attack is made at -3d10. Animals can see invisible ghosts and can harm them.


Face Rip Attack: Unlike other ghosts of his kind, Liao Shi does not attack by throwing things. With a word he can cause a person’s face to peel. Roll 1d10 against a target in hearing distance. On a Success they take a wound. If they die their face is ripped off. If they survive they simply their face is partly pulled off but will heal with some bad scarring.


Immunities: Invisible Ghosts are immune to Mundane attacks. They are harmed by magic. They can also be hurt by weapons made from peach wood.

The players may hear rumors of the exploits of a great hero named Thunderclap Map in Laoshi. While he roams freely and doesn’t reside in Henxian County, you can introduce him if you wish. He is incredibly selfish, even bloodthirsty, so players should quickly realize he isn’t a hero if they meet him. However he is charming and friendly, and he may wish to join the case if the player’s offer to pay him well or have the magistrate bestow titles upon him.



Thunderclap Ma is a true legend in the region. Though regarded by many as a hero and featured in the works of Purple Cloud, he is a martial villain who cares only for wealth and fame. He enjoys the thrill of a good fight, even loves to kill, and values money above all else, but he can be extremely cordial and treats those he likes well. His name comes from his signature thunderclap bombs. 


Defenses: Hardiness 6, Evade 6, Wits 6

Key Skills: Ranged: 3d10, Melee: 2d10, Arm Strike: 2d10, Speed: 2d10, Athletics: 2d10, Speed: 1d10, Persuade: 1d10, Command: 1d10, Survival: 2d10, Trade: 1d10


Level: 4 In Wandering Sword 

Max Wounds: 2

Weapon: Crossbow and Thunderclap Bomb (20 foot range, 3d10 damage to all in ten foot radius, on Total Success another 1d10 damage next round from burns)


Kung Fu: Block 1d10, Dodge 0d10, Iron Shirt Stance, Iron Bolt, Grip of Wu, Double Hand Strike 



Characters do not change their defenses when they multi-path and they do not gain the skill allotments of the new path they enter into. However, they can take 1 rank in skills that are essential to the function of that class (i.e. a character with no combat skills may take a rank in Combat Skill when they take a level in Wandering Sword, a character who becomes a Ritual Master, but doesn’t have the ritual skill, can take 1 free rank in it). 


Multi-path characters should be rare, only permitted under certain circumstances because of game balance considerations. Huang Yu has a strong in game story reason for being given access to another path. It is suggested that any player characters permitted to use multi-path, do so only if a similar in game reason arises that also has serious downsides.