In This adventure hook the party sees a young boy stumble into view and collapse as they are travelling (preferably while on a road). As they approach or as he staggers to him, they realize his body is riddled with arrows and he drops to the ground dying. They discover that the men of Stone Cutter Fortress Gang killed the boy and kidnapped his mother, Yu Guanyin. If they follow the trail they must face Cleaving Devil Yao Fu and the Stone Cutter Fortress Gang to get her back. However all is not what it seems and the woman they rescue is an imposter. The real Yu Guanyin was secretly taken to an even more insidious villain named Dancing Bixie. Dancing Bixie has long been in love with Yu Guanyin, and murdered her son and family so he could marry her. To defeat Dancing Bixie they will need have to overcome his family: Sabre-Twirling Grandma, Jade-Faced Uncle and the Zhen Bird Sisters.
As the party travels, preferably along a road or trail, they see a young child stumble into view. He is clearly in distress and as either he gets closer or they move toward him, it becomes clear he is filled with arrows like a human-porcupine. This is Li Ling. He is the son of Yu Guanyin and Li Guo. He lives in a nearby homestead and is running away after bandits stormed into his home, cut off his father’s head and shot him with arrows. He saw them take his mother and ran for help.
Art by Jackie Musto |
The boy is dressed somewhat elaborately, as he was playing with his father when the attack occurred and was pretending to be the "King of the Kushen". He has on a Yan-style hat (which he mistakenly thinks is Kushen) and wears a long cape (Detect TN 6 to determine it is made from bed sheets). His body is filled with arrows and he is dying. He can be saved on a Medicine Roll TN 8 but otherwise has 2 rounds before he dies.
If he dies, he still has time to utter “The King of the Kushen is dead….please go save my mother” while pointing in the direction of his homestead. If he lives, he can explain what happened. He will still be adamant that he is the King of the Kushen. Also, if he lives can will be able to identify his mother (this is important later).
The Homestead is a simple two-room house with a nearby field and grove of citrus fruit. There is also a small stable with a single horse and farming supplies like an ox-drawn plow. There was an ox but it was taken by the bandits. All the grain has been taken as well. There is an unconscious bandit in the stable. He came here and passed out after being stabbed by Li Guo. His name is Shisan and he knows the location of Stone Cutter Fortress as well as the what happened at the homestead (but he has no more information than that and doesn’t know at all about Dancing Bixie’s role in the affair).
The body of Li Guo is in the middle of the house, his head cut off and his back has two arrows in it. He grips a dagger in his hand and it has blood on it. On a Medicine TN 6 Roll, it is clear that his head was probably cut with an axe or similar type of blade. On a Detect TN 6 roll they can find a trail of blood and debris (mostly grain) leading away from the homestead in the direction of Stone-Cutter Fortress (if they follow that direction they will reach the fortress in 4 miles).
If they search the area, they can find the trail of the bandits on a successful Survival: Wilderness Roll TN 6.
Additionally there are other homesteads in the area and if they ask around they may learn that there is a nearby group of bandits who reside at Stone-Cutter Fortress.
There is an ambush here for any who would follow the bandits. They were not sure if anyone heard the attack and are smart enough to have tactics in place thwarting any wood-be heroes. There are 5 archers hidden among the trees waiting to attack any that follow them. There are 5 Junior Axe Men stationed behind the archers and ready to charge after the attack.
To avoid this surprise characters must make a Detect TN 9 roll or the initial arrow attack is open damage per the SURPRISE RULE on page 79 of the WHOG rulebook (and the archers would attack before normal initiative as well).
Should the players defeat these bandits, they can extract information from them. They all know the location of Stone Cutter Fortress. But none of them talk unless they truly believe their lives are threatened. And any who do talk will try to deceive the players and draw them into a trap at the Fortress if possible (see STONE CUTTER FORTRESS entry below).
Defenses: Hardiness 3, Evade 6, Parry 3, Stealth 9, Wits 6, Resolve 7
Key Skills: Grapple: 0d10, Throw: 0d10, Arm Strike: 1d10, Leg Strike: 0d10, Light Melee: 1d10, Medium Melee: 0d10, Heavy Melee: 0d10, Small Ranged: 1d10 or 3d10 with Crossbows, Speed: 1d10, Muscle: 0d10, Detect: 2d10, Survival (Wilderness): 3d10, Talent (Theft): 2d10
Max Wounds: 1
Weapons: Short Bow (2d10 Damage), Cross Bow (2d10 Damage)
Defenses: Hardiness 5, Evade 4, Parry 5, Stealth 7, Wits 6, Resolve 6
Key Skills: Grapple: 1d10, Throw: 1d10, Arm Strike: 1d10, Leg Strike: 1d10, Light Melee: 1d10, Medium Melee: 2d10 or 3d10 with Axe, Heavy Melee: 0d10, Small Ranged: 1d10, Speed: 1d10, Muscle: 2d10, Athletics: 1d10
Qi: 1
Max Wounds: 3
Weapons: Axe (3d10 Damage)
Expertise: Medium Melee-Axe
Key Techniques (Waijia 3, Qinggong 1): Axe-Hurling Strike, Fierce Strike, Whirling Dodge (Counter)
Axe-hurling Strike: Make a Medium Melee attack roll against the Evade of 1 target up to 20 feet away. On a Success you throw your axe into the target for Normal Damage +1 Extra Wounds. Cathartic: On a Success you throw your Axe into the target for 2 Extra wounds.
Fierce Strike: Make any Melee attack against a target. On a Success add +1d10 to Damage roll. On Total Success add +6d10 to Damage roll and exceed soft cap. Cathartic: Can be used against 1 additional target.
Whirling Dodge (Counter): Make an Athletics Roll against the Attack roll. On a Success the damage from the attack is reduced by -1d10. On a Total Success the Damage is reduced by -2d10. Cathartic: On a Success you avoid the attack completely.
All members of the gang have standing orders that if they are captured and forced to talk, that they should lure their captors into a trap via a the back entrance.

1. Stairs and Entrance
Stone steps lead steeply to the main entrance up the hill. There are guards at the top (2 Archers and 2 Junior Axe Men). Anyone coming up the steps is at a tactical disadvantage (their foes gain +1d10 and they suffer -1d10 to combat rolls).
2. Wall and Gate
A stone wall surrounds the fortress. It has a wooden walkway on the southern interior for archers. The wall is 12 feet high.
The gate is a reinforced wooden door that closes and is locked with a thick beam. The gate is guarded by 2 Junior Axe Men. There is an alarm gong near the entrance.
Locked reinforced wooden door: TN 10 to Open; Hardiness 5, Integrity 10.
3. The Back Entrance
There is a Secret back entrance leading into the kitchen. This is a sliding panel (Detect TN 9).
4. Training Courtyard
This is where Cleaving Devil Yao Fu and his men train. There are targets for archers and and wooden figures for the other men, as well as sandbags. Cleaving Devil Yao Fu frequently issues instructions to his men here as well or hosts banquets on these grounds late at night.
5. Main Hall
This is the reception hall where Cleaving Devil Yao Fu holds official audience. His bedroom is nearby and there is also a studio attached as well. A second bedroom adjoins the studio and this where Yao Chen normally sleeps (presently she is dressed as Yu Guanyin). In Cleaving Devil Yao Fu’s bedroom there is a letter in a cabinet near the bed from Dancing Bixie, thanking him for his lovely bride-to-be (Yu Guanyin).
There are a number of statues here (of men and women who Cleaving Devil has defeated). These statues were all made by Cleaving Devil.
6. Storage
There are large stores of grain here, as well as ten bricks of Menglao’s Black Tea and a chest with 25,000 spades. This area is always guarded by two Junior Axe Men. There are many beautiful statues here (all made by Cleaving Devil Yao Fu)
These numbers reflect the men presently on the premises. At any given time, there is an equal number of Stone Cutter Fortress men out performing tasks in the martial world for Cleaving Devil Yao Fu.
Cleaving Devil Yao Fu uses a long axe and dresses in green and golden robes. He is the disciple of Dancing Bixie and capable of great cruelty. He is also a master stone carver, using his axe to make exquisite statues. Not easily intimidated, he responds well to threats and respects those who defy him.
Cleaving Devil Yao Fu wants to know more about the heroes if they come to rescue Yu Guanyin. He may even consider trying to bring them into his ranks if he feels they can be trusted. He needs martial heroes. If possible he will even try to arrange a marriage with his daughter Chen (see Fake Yu Guanyin entry below) if he thinks that will secure at least one of the player character’s loyalty.
Defenses: Hardiness 7, Evade 4, Parry 7, Stealth 6, Wits 8, Resolve 8
Key Skills: Grapple: 2d10, Throw: 3d10, Arm Strike: 3d10, Leg Strike: 2d10, Light Melee: 2d10, Medium Melee: 3d10 or 4d10 with Axe, Heavy Melee: 3d10 or 4d10 with Long Axe), Small Ranged: 2d10 or 3d10 with bow, Speed: 3d10, Muscle: 3d10, Meditation: 3d10, Athletics: 3d10, Command: 2d10, Deception: 2d10, Detect: 2d10, Divination: 2d10, Trade (Stone): 3d10, Talent (Sculpting): 3d10, Talent (Theft): 3d10, Survival (Wilderness): 3d10, Survival (Mountain): 2d10, Intitutions (Criminal Underworld): 3d10
Qi: 5
Max Wounds: 11
Weapons: Long Axe (6d10 Damage, Long Reach), Axe (4d10 Damage), Great Bow (4d10 Damage)
Expertise: Heavy Melee-Long Axe, Medium Melee-Axe, Small Ranged-Bow
Key Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 2, Qinggong 2): Axe-Hurling Strike, Belly-Slicing Strike, Endless Arc of the Spear (with Long Axe), Fierce Strike, Kick of the Swan, Leap of the Swan, Turn of the Zhen Bird (Counter), Whirling Dodge (Counter)
Axe-hurling Strike: Make a Medium Melee attack roll against the Evade of 5 target up to 20 feet away. On a Success you throw your axe into the target for Normal Damage +1 Extra Wounds. Cathartic: On a Success you throw your Axe into the targets for 2 Extra wounds.
Belly-Slicing Strike: Crouch and make a Heavy Melee attack with a Long Axe against up to 5 targets within a 15 foot circle around you. On a Success you slice open their bellies causing them to take Normal Damage plus 2 Extra Wounds. They take an additional wound the following round and continue to do so until they receive healing from magic or a physician (Medicine Roll TN 8). Cathartic: As above except the targets take 3 Extra Wounds and 2 Wounds every round thereafter until they are healed.
Fierce Strike: Make any Melee attack against a target. On a Success add +1d10 to Damage roll. On Total Success add +4d10 to Damage roll and exceed soft cap. Cathartic: Can be used against 5 additional targets.
Whirling Dodge (Counter): Make an Athletics Roll against the Attack roll. On a Success the damage from the attack is reduced by -1d10. On a Total Success the Damage is reduced by -2d10. Cathartic: On a Success you avoid the attack completely.
This is really the daughter of Cleaving Devil but she pretends to be Yao Guanyin and will go with the party as if they’ve rescued. She is instructed to lure her rescuers to a nearby inn where Cleaving Devil’s men can ambush them.
Defenses: Hardiness 7, Evade 4, Parry 7, Stealth 6, Wits 8, Resolve 8
Key Skills: Grapple: 2d10, Throw: 3d10, Arm Strike: 3d10, Leg Strike: 2d10, Light Melee: 3d10 or 5d10 with Hair Pin, Medium Melee: 3d10, Heavy Melee: 1d10, Small Ranged: 1d10, Speed: 3d10, Muscle: 2d10, Meditation: 2d10, Athletics: 3d10, Persuade: 2d10, Deception: 3d10, Detect: 3d10, Talent (Sculpting): 1d10, Talent (Theft): 1d10, Survival (Wilderness): 3d10
Qi: 3
Max Wounds: 7
Weapons: Hair Pin (3d10 Damage, +2d10 Accuracy), Fists (2d10 Damage)
Combat Techniques: Fists of Steel
Key Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 2, Qinggong 1, Neigong 1): Fierce Strike, Finger Flick, Hair Pin Strike, Ringing Strike of the Hand, Whirling Dodge (Counter)
Finger Flick: Flick object at target. Roll Light Melee against Evade. If focus for 1 round, can make two such attacks. On Success do 3d10 Damage. Cathartic: Does 3d10 Open Damage.
Hairpin Strike: Target must Roll Detect against Stealth or take extra damage. Roll Light Melee against Parry. On Success target takes 3d10 Open Damage plus 2 Extra Wounds (+3 if they fail to Detect). Cathartic: Target takes 3d10 Open Damage plus 3 Extra Wounds (+4 if they fail to Detect)
Ringing Strike of the Hand: Make Arm Strike against Parry. On Success do 4d10 Damage. On Total Success, target takes -1d10 to Physical Skills for next hour. Cathartic: Do 2 Extra wounds. On Total Success target takes -1d10 Penalty to Combat and Physical Skills.
Defenses: Hardiness 3, Evade 6, Parry 3, Stealth 9, Wits 6, Resolve 7
Key Skills: Grapple: 0d10, Throw: 0d10, Arm Strike: 1d10, Leg Strike: 0d10, Light Melee: 1d10, Medium Melee: 0d10, Heavy Melee: 0d10, Small Ranged: 1d10 or 3d10 with Crossbows, Speed: 1d10, Muscle: 0d10, Detect: 2d10, Survival (Wilderness): 3d10, Talent (Theft): 2d10
Max Wounds: 1
Weapons: Short Bow (2d10 Damage), Cross Bow (2d10 Damage)
Defenses: Hardiness 5, Evade 4, Parry 5, Stealth 7, Wits 6, Resolve 6
Key Skills: Grapple: 1d10, Throw: 1d10, Arm Strike: 1d10, Leg Strike: 1d10, Light Melee: 1d10, Medium Melee: 2d10 or 3d10 with Axe, Heavy Melee: 0d10, Small Ranged: 1d10, Speed: 1d10, Muscle: 2d10, Athletics: 1d10
Qi: 2
Max Wounds: 5
Weapons: Axe (3d10 Damage)
Expertise: Medium Melee-Axe
Key Techniques (Waijia 3, Qinggong 1): Axe-Hurling Strike, Chest Cleaving Strike, Fierce Strike, Whirling Dodge (Counter)
Axe-hurling Strike: Make a Medium Melee attack roll against the Evade of 2 targets up to 40 feet away. On a Success you throw your axe into the target for Normal Damage +1 Extra Wounds. Cathartic: On a Success you throw your Axe into the target for 2 Extra wounds.
Chest Cleaving Strike: Make a Medium Melee attack with an Axe. On a Success you do Normal Damage +1d10. Cathartic: On a Success the Axe does Open Damage with a +1d10 Bonus (4d10 Open Damage)
Whirling Dodge (Counter): Make an Athletics Roll against the Attack roll. On a Success the damage from the attack is reduced by -1d10. On a Total Success the Damage is reduced by -2d10. Cathartic: On a Success you avoid the attack completely.
Defenses: Hardiness 5, Evade 4, Parry 5, Stealth 7, Wits 6, Resolve 6
Key Skills: Grapple: 1d10, Throw: 1d10, Arm Strike: 1d10, Leg Strike: 1d10, Light Melee: 1d10, Medium Melee: 2d10 or 3d10 with Axe, Heavy Melee: 0d10, Small Ranged: 1d10, Speed: 1d10, Muscle: 2d10, Athletics: 1d10
Qi: 1
Max Wounds: 3
Weapons: Axe (3d10 Damage)
Expertise: Medium Melee-Axe
Key Techniques (Waijia 3, Qinggong 1): Axe-Hurling Strike, Fierce Strike, Whirling Dodge (Counter)
This is where Chen, the fake Yu Guanyin, will try to lure the players for an ambush. Her father has already sent 8 of his men there to wait in disguise as patrons. She will take a table with the party, thank them and offer to toast their efforts. Then she will use her hairpin to attack and the bandits will do so as well.
This should be a tough fight. But the goal isn’t to kill the party yet (unless they have done something to earn Cleaving Devil’s wrath). He wants to capture them. If some have to be killed in the fight or to make a point, so be it, but he wants to know more about them. Also if it seems possible he will see if any can be turned to his side as he could use some martial heroes in his ranks. He will make the offer worth their while but won’t easily succumb to trickery.
Defenses: Hardiness 5, Evade 4, Parry 5, Stealth 7, Wits 6, Resolve 6
Key Skills: Grapple: 1d10, Throw: 1d10, Arm Strike: 1d10, Leg Strike: 1d10, Light Melee: 1d10, Medium Melee: 2d10 or 3d10 with Axe, Heavy Melee: 0d10, Small Ranged: 1d10, Speed: 1d10, Muscle: 2d10, Athletics: 1d10
Qi: 1
Max Wounds: 3
Weapons: Axe (3d10 Damage)
Expertise: Medium Melee-Axe
Key Techniques (Waijia 3, Qinggong 1): Axe-Hurling Strike, Fierce Strike, Whirling Dodge (Counter)
Axe-hurling Strike: Make a Medium Melee attack roll against the Evade of 1 target up to 20 feet away. On a Success you throw your axe into the target for Normal Damage +1 Extra Wounds. Cathartic: On a Success you throw your Axe into the target for 2 Extra wounds.
Fierce Strike: Make any Melee attack against a target. On a Success add +1d10 to Damage roll. On Total Success add +6d10 to Damage roll and exceed soft cap. Cathartic: Can be used against 1 additional target.
Whirling Dodge (Counter): Make an Athletics Roll against the Attack roll. On a Success the damage from the attack is reduced by -1d10. On a Total Success the Damage is reduced by -2d10. Cathartic: On a Success you avoid the attack completely.
This luxurious estate is surrounded by a wall. The halls themselves are surrounded by courtyards filled with mulberry trees. Many are filled with divine fire and explode if you come within three feet of them.
Exploding Mulberry Trees: Type: Attack, Detect TN 7, Attack 4d10 against Evade, Effect: 5d10 Open Damage, Disarm: TN 6
Every ten feet have the players make Detect Rolls. If they fail a Tree Explodes and harms them. If they success they can see the tree is fake.
Dancing Bixie is a widely built man with a thick beard and elegantly groomed hair. He wears robes of black and gold, and comes off as something of a battle-hardened madman. However he adores dancing and song. He frequents brothels, but again, he spends most of his time dancing and singing with the courtesans. In Qi Xien, this is considered unusual for a man such as Dancing Bixie.
Dancing Bixie’s father was killed by bandits when he was young. His mother (Sabre-Twirlign Grandma) and Uncle (Jade-Faced Uncle) taught him to fight and how to be ruthless. His real name is Gui Ba.
Dancing Bixie fell in love with Guanyin when he saw her dancing just before she was married. He wanted her for hiself, so had her family killed by the Stone Cutter Fortress Gang.
Defenses: Hardiness 7, Evade 6, Parry 7, Stealth 6, Wits 6, Resolve 9
Key Skills: Grapple: 2d10, Throw: 1d10, Arm Strike: 2d10, Leg Strike: 3d10, Light Melee: 2d10, Medium Melee: 3d10 or 3d10 with Ox Tail, Heavy Melee: 2d10, Small Ranged: 1d10, Speed: 3d10, Muscle: 3d10, Detect: 2d10, Athletics: 3d10, Endurance: 2d10, Talent (Dance): 3d10 or 4d10 when Performing, Talent (Alchemy): 3d10, Talent (Singing): 3d10, Survival (Wilderness): 3d10, Survival (Mountain): 3d10, Trade (Wood): 3d10, Trade (Mechanical): 2d10, Institutions (Criminal Underworld): 3d10, Institutions (Sects): 3d10
Qi: 6
Max Wounds: 13
Weapons: Ox Tail Dao (5d10 Damage, -1d10 Accuracy), Kicks (3d10 Damage)
Expertise: Medium Melee-Ox Tail Dao, Alchemy-Divine Fire, Talent-Perform
Key Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 1, Qinggong 3): Arms of Silk, Dancing Sword, Dance of the Bixie, Flight of the Hawk, Flying Swan Kick, Kick of the Swan, Spearing Blade, Swan Taming Strike, Graceful Retreat (Counter), Weapon Stride (Counter), Whirling Dodge (Counter)
Arms of Silk: Make a Grapple Roll against 1 foe up to ten feet away. On a Success you Restrain the target. For purposes of Restraining the Parry is considered 6. Cathartic: You can Choke or Squeeze for 6d10 Damage. For purposes of Restraining the Parry is considered 8.
Dancing Sword Technique: He twirls between small steps and gracefully slices with blinding speed. Make a Talent (Dancing) roll against the Parry of up to 6 targets. On a Success you do Normal Damage plus 1 Extra Wound. On a Total Success you can strike 2 additional targets. Cathartic: On a Success you do Open Damage plus 1 Extra Wound.
Flying Swan Kick: Make a Leg Strike Roll against a Target up to 30 Feet away. On a Success leap and kick them for 4d10 Damage, then leap up to another 30 feet against a different target (doing 4d10 Damage). Use same attack roll for both attacks. Cathartic: Can make up to 6 additional attacks.
Kick of the Swan: You can kick multiple foes so long as your attacks keep succeeding and each target is no more than 15 feet apart. These do normal damage. Cathartic: You can attack foes separated by 30 feet each.
Graceful Retreat (Counter): Make a Speed Roll against TN 6. On a Success increase Parry by 3 against Charge Attacks. Cathartic: On a Success you can nullify any charge attack.
Weapon Stride (Counter): Make a Speed Roll against Parry. On a Success you leap onto your opponent’s weapon and avoid the attack. If the opponent’s attack roll failed, you can deliver a mundane attack. Cathartic: If the opponent’s attack roll failed, you can deliver a Kung Fu tefchnique.
This is Dancing Bixie’s mother. She is in her 70s but still very beautiful and has a commanding presence. She took up swordplay when her husband was killed by bandits and trained her son from an early age with the help of her brother (Jade-Faced Uncle) to protect himself and his family. Distrustful and strict, she has a soft spot for the naïve or foolish.
Defenses: Hardiness 4, Evade 4, Parry 8, Stealth 6, Wits 7, Resolve 7
Key Skills: Grapple: 1d10, Throw: 2d10, Arm Strike: 2d10, Leg Strike: 0d10, Light Melee: 2d10, Medium Melee: 3d10 or 2d10 with Ox Tail Dao, Heavy Melee: 1d10, Small Ranged: 3d10, Speed: 2d10, Muscle: 1d10, Detect: 2d10
Qi: 4
Max Wounds: 9
Weapons: Ox Tail Dao (3d10 Damage, -1d10 Accuracy)
Key Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 2, Qinggong 1, Neigong 1): Blasting Blade, Flight of the Hawk, Slashing Blade, Twirling Sabre, Whirling Dodge (Counter), Graceful Retreat (Counter)
Blasting Blade: Strike surface and send fragments cascading at foes. Make a Melee attack against the Evade of anyone in a 40 foot cone. On a Success do 1d10 Damage. Cathartic: On a Success do 4d10 Damage.
Twirling Sabre: You leap in a tornado-like spin, striking several foes with force that is nearly impossible to stop. Make a Melee Attack roll against Parry of up to 4 Targets. On a Success you do Normal Damage plus 1 Extra Wound. Attempts to block or resist with Neigong are made at -2d10. Cathartic: Works as above except you do 2 Additional Wounds and if the Target tries to counter but fails they instead take 4 Additional Wounds.
Jade-Faced Uncle is an impassive and unreadable man. His gentle features hide a wicked heart. He believes people must be ruthless to survive and has placed all his hopes into Dancing Bixie. He would see anyone cut down or harmed to help his nephew succeed.
Defenses: Hardiness 5, Evade 6, Parry 7, Stealth 6, Wits 8, Resolve 8
Key Skills: Grapple: 2d10, Throw: 2d10, Arm Strike: 2d10, Leg Strike: 2d10, Light Melee: 2d10, Medium Melee: 3d10 or 2d10 with Ox Tail Dao, Heavy Melee: 1d10, Small Ranged: 1d10, Speed: 2d10, Muscle: 2d10, Detect: 3d10, Deception: 3d10, Survival (Wilderness): 3d10, Institutions (Societies): 2d10, Institutions (Sects): 3d10
Qi: 5
Max Wounds: 11
Weapons: Ox Tail Dao (4d10 Damage, -1d10 Accuracy)
Expertise: Medium Melee-Ox Tail Dao
Key Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 2, Qinggong 1, Neigong 1): Double Thrust, Spearing Blade, Swan Taming Strike, Graceful Retreat (Counter), Weapon Stride (Counter), Whirling Dodge (Counter)
Double Thrust: Strike person in front of you and behind you. Make Melee Roll against Parry. On Success strike 1 Target in front of you and 1 behind you for Normal Damage plus 2 Extra Wounds. Take -1 Penalty to Turn Order this round unless you get Total Success. Cathartic: As above except does 2 Extra Wounds.
Spearing Blade: Make Melee Attack Roll against up to 5 targets in immediate area. On Success do 2 automatic wounds to each. Cathartic: Does 3 automatic wounds.
These are the sisters of Dancing Bixie. They are more ruthless than their brother and seek to help him rise in the martial world. Both dislike Yu Guanyin and don’t understand why she would reject Dancing Bixie.
The Zhen Bird Sisters have insatiable appetites, and frequent the noodle shops in the surrounding area late at night.
Defenses: Hardiness 4, Evade 4, Parry 8, Stealth 6, Wits 7, Resolve 7
Key Skills: Grapple: 1d10, Throw: 2d10, Arm Strike: 2d10, Leg Strike: 0d10, Light Melee: 2d10, Medium Melee: 3d10 or 4d10 with Hook Swords, Heavy Melee: 1d10, Small Ranged: 3d10, Speed: 2d10, Muscle: 1d10, Detect: 2d10 or 3d10 with Smell or taste
Qi: 3
Max Wounds: 7
Weapons: Hook Swords (1d10 Damage, Disarm, On Total Success can sweep targets to ground if they fail Athletics TN 10 Roll)
Expertise: Detect-Smell, Detect-Taste, Medium Melee-Hook Swords
Flaw: Hedonist (Food)
Key Kung Fu Techniques (Waijia 2, Qinggong 1, Neigong 1): Blasting Blade, Flight of the Hawk, Slashing Blade, Twirling Sabre, Whirling Dodge (Counter), Graceful Retreat (Counter), Turn of the Zhen Bird (Counter)
Slashing Blade: Create a ripple of energy that hits targets at distance. Make Melee against Parry. On a Success do normal damage to target. Cathartic: This ignores all obstacles and slices through up to 3 Targets.
Turn of the Zhen Bird (Counter): When someone makes a melee attack, make a Speed roll TN 8. On a Success you can make a Mundane attack that does 1 Extra Wound. Cathartic: You can counter with a Kung Fu technique.
Before she married Guo, Yu Guanyin was a dancer in performance troupe that travelled the River of Swarming Beggars. She grew tired of the road and wanted a family. Li Guo was a perfect match: kind and creative, but simple. He and Guanyin had a son, Ling, and lived as farmers. Before she was married, Dancing Bixie saw her perform and asked her to marry him. She refused, finding his manners unusual and hearing rumors of his cruelty. He persisted and eventually sent bandits to kill husband, son and kidnap her.
Yu Guanyin will be heartbroken if she learns about her family. If the players rescue her she will ask them to train her so she can get revenge. If Dancing Bixie is dead, she will ask them to train her so she can track down any of his followers or any of the Stone Cutter Fortress Gang to vent her anger. She has potential to become a great hero if her her anger is guided well. She could also become a villain if her anger is misdirected.
Defenses: Hardiness 3, Evade 6, Parry 5, Stealth 7, Wits 6, Resolve 6
Key Skills: Grapple: 0d10, Throw: 0d10, Arm Strike: 1d10, Leg Strike: 1d10, Light Melee: 1d10, Medium Melee: 0d10, Heavy Melee: 0d10, Small Ranged: 0d10, Speed: 3d10, Muscle: 1d10, Athletics: 3d10, Ride (Horse): 2d10, Detect: 1d10, Empathy: 3d10, Persuade: 1d10, Talent (Dancing): 3d10, Talent (Singing): 3d10, Talent (Pipa): 3d10, Talent (Cooking): 2d10, Survival (Wilderness): 3d10, Creatures (Animals): 2d10
Max Wounds: 1
Expertise: Survival-Harvest
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