“The Hidden Halls of Hazakor” is a kickstarter for an
upcoming fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure designed with the
beginning Gamemaster in mind. It is written by Scott Fitzgerald Gray with
illustrations by Jackie Musto. You can find the kickstarter HERE.

I was able to speak with both of them about their
kickstarter for “The Hidden Halls of Hazakor”. As a matter of full disclosure,
I have worked with Jackie as an illustrator for most of our recent Bedrock
Games books.
BRENDAN: What is “The Hidden Halls of Hazakor”?
SCOTT:“The Hidden Halls of Hazakor” is a starter adventure
for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. It’s a straight-up, old-style dungeon
crawl (and a bit of a love letter from me to “Keep on the Borderlands” and “In
Search of the Unknown”, the original D&D starter adventures in which a lot
of old-school gamers first played). But in addition to being written for
beginning Dungeon Masters (as most starter adventures are), it’s also written
specifically for young Dungeon Masters — players anywhere from 12 years old and
up who are just getting into the process of running their own games.
JACKIE: It's absolutely something I would of liked as a kid.
I was very lucky to have a group of older, more experienced people to help me
play but I know a lot of teens now who want to begin a game with their friends
and don't know how.
BRENDAN: What are some of the issues you found beginning
Gamemasters grapple with? What were both of your experiences when you first
tried your hand at it?
SCOTT: As everyone who does it knows, running a roleplaying
game well is more of an art than a science. And for better or worse, that means
that a lot of what you need to know to be a good Gamemaster comes from the
experience of running games. The tricks and tools are things you often pick up
only by trial and error—but when you’re a young player trying to run a game
for the first time, there’s only so much trial and error you can take before
things get frustrating. I first got into RPGs in high school, and even at
sixteen, running my first D&D games was a remarkably stressful experience.
You need to be on point with rules decisions, even as you’re trying to be
creative and improvisational at the same time. You need to constantly try to
reach the “Goldilocks” level for your encounters (not too hard; not too easy).
And then you add into that the overarching idea that you’re the person
responsible for making sure all the other people around your table are having
fun. It raises the stakes of running a game to a whole other level.
JACKIE: My first game was probably not so great to play in,
ha ha. I had written out way too much, and thought the players would act a
certain way or perform a task just as I imagined it. I couldn't have been more
wrong! I always find that as a storyteller or Gamemaster, you have to be ready
to roll with all the funny things you'd never expect someone to do. My friends
were all such great sports though. I think the most crucial take away I had
from my initial experiences was to make it fun - that's the most important
BRENDAN: Where did
the idea come from?
SCOTT: The concept of doing a starter D&D adventure for
young DMs came as a result of running an afternoon RPG club at my daughters’
middle school a number of years ago. We had a great turnout and a good mix of
experienced Gamemasters and players wanting to run games for the first time.
And for that latter group, I found myself kind of floating around the room
answering a lot of the same questions, and giving the same advice, and seeing
GMs dealing with the exact same problems I had dealt with running my first
games. But they all had the added complication that when you’re eleven or
twelve years old, it’s often hard to summon up the confidence to bluff your way
through not knowing what you’re doing—as all experienced GMs eventually
figure out.
So I created the original version of the adventure that’s
morphed into “The Hidden Halls of Hazakor” for the RPG club. It was written
specifically for the kids who wanted to try their hand at running an adventure,
in a straightforward style with lots of advice, and little notes talking about
“If the players do this unexpected and disastrous thing, here’s how you can not
panic and think about ways to change the adventure so you can keep going.” I’ve
thought off and on about just polishing it up and releasing it as a free
text-only piece that gamer parents could print out for their kids. But the more
time I spent with it, the more I thought about how much more effective it might
be as a fully illustrated piece, with those illustrations doing their own part
to tell a young DM, “This is about having fun.”
BRENDAN: How did you approach designing the Halls of
SCOTT: The main issue that came up in the design process was
trying to balance the desire to have the adventure be easy to run, and the
desire to not have it be simplified to the point where it took the edge off the
fun. Though the final version is still written in the same straightforward
style as its original RPG club incarnation, at the end of the day, I think this
is still a fun little dungeon crawl that any group of players would enjoy.
Beyond that, the biggest design paradigm involved embracing a sense of
adventure-as-instructional-piece. I was always looking for ways to not just
tell the DM what was going on, but to give a sense of how what was going on
related to the larger issues of what it means to be a DM.
So for most of the encounters, it’s not just a matter of
creating an interesting scenario. There’s a goal of wrapping up some little
idea that'll crop up time after time in every adventure the DM will ever run.
Little things like: If the characters run, should the monsters chase them? What
do you do if those monsters chase the group into a bunch of other monsters and
the encounter suddenly gets too hard? Is it fun to terrify the players by
asking them to make Wisdom (Perception) checks even when there are no monsters
around? (Answer: Yes, it is.) And then on top of the little things, there are
the big issues that every first-time GM wrestles with. How do you help the
players work through arguments? How do you deal with problem players? And how
do you deal with characters dying?
BRENDAN: What was the art process like?
JACKIE: So, a little story time here: roleplaying games are
what made me decide I wanted to make my career as an illustrator. The first
time I was handed a player's guide and opened to see the art inside, my brain
just exploded. It was so cool, and so amazing-all the styles, the
characters... that's what I wanted to make. Playing the games gave me the
opportunity to begin that when my friends would describe their characters and I
would draw them-and the stories and ideas we came up with seemed so alive and
creative. It's absolutely why I'm doing what I do now-I want to pay it
forward. I want to see more characters in these amazing books that call to who
I am, and call to the multitudes of folks who might want to play a game. I hope
as many people as possible can look at these characters and see themselves
enough to become invested and inspired. So, when Scott initially approached me
and stressed how important having a diverse cast of kids as the main
characters, I was totally on board.
SCOTT: The only real vision I had for the art was that I
wanted a style that would be a good fit for younger players, and that it would
be cool to have one illustrator do the whole book (which isn’t the normal
process for RPG stuff). And I consider myself extraordinarily lucky that Jackie
agreed to come on board. We talked about having a set of young iconic
characters kind of anchoring the illustrations, to give young players a sense
of connection to them, and the crew that Jackie came up with are absolutely
awesome. Out of everyone that's backed the project and all the people that have
offered feedback, literally every single person has commented on how much they
love the art.
JACKIE: I am so thrilled about the reception it's got. I
really love those kids and want to see them tackle the Halls of Hazakor.
BRENDAN: Can you talk about the Eternal Hero! Rewards?
SCOTT: Only in a “Sorry, they’re all gone!” way,
unfortunately. Jackie came up with the idea of offering a limited number of
player portrait packages, so that backers could have their daughter, son,
niece, nephew, et al immortalized in heroic RPG style. And they went amazingly
JACKIE: I can thank younger me for that one. I always wanted
to be a character in the books we were using, so I figured other kids might
like to see themselves as well! With the Eternal Hero reward, kids will see
themselves turned into an actual hero that could be undertaking the Halls of
Hazakor. Supplied with some reference, a favorite class and color I'll be drawing
an original, custom drawing of the child at this tier. And I can't believe how
fast those reward tiers went! I thought ten would be enough-I wish I could do
BRENDAN: What are some of the changes and trends you’ve seen
in recent years in terms of new Gamemasters coming to the hobby? What impact
has technology had?
JACKIE: It's become so much more mainstream, which I adore.
I think roleplaying had kind of a strange mystery about it that folks didn't
always understand-but there have been a lot of podcasts and YouTubers who have
demystified it and brought it to a whole new audience. The internet also makes
it easier to connect and play with friends. My current group uses Discord and
video chat to get together, share maps and other important details. It takes
the difficulty of finding local players and makes it so much easier. There are
also so many games that I think there is something the appeals to everyone no
matter if you're a history nut, high fantasy person or into the social manipulation
type game-there is something out there for you.
SCOTT: I think the single biggest trend I can point to is
the popularity of fifth edition D&D. That revised ruleset has introduced
the game to a new generation of players who were never exposed to the previous
editions of D&D—and at the same time, it’s brought a lot of older players
back into the game. People who (like myself) played AD&D in high school or
college before getting busy with life in later years have embraced the new game
in an amazing way. That’s definitely a testament to the work that the design
team put in on fifth edition, and their specific goal of bringing back some of
the feel of the older versions of D&D where that had gotten lost over the
years. But the practical upshot is that the current D&D player base covers
probably a wider range of age and experience than it ever has before, largely
because of how accessible the rules are and how easy it is to get into the
Technology has had a solid impact on tabletop gaming, at
just about every level. Fifth edition D&D is a solid ruleset partly because
of the multiyear process of the D&D Next playtest that preceded it, which
saw multiple iterations of the rules released online for playtesting by the
entire D&D community. Though the Web has obviously been around for a while,
that kind of release-the-rules/collate-feedback/revise-and-release-again
approach to creating a game of D&D’s scope is something that I don’t think
could have been done even ten years ago. And pretty much every RPG these days
is making full use of the Web to build and support their own communities of
players. Game books that I owned in high school and gave away years ago are all
available as PDFs these days. You can try out D&D and a lot of other games
using inexpensive (or sometimes even free) basic and fast-start rules published
as PDFs. You can go onto YouTube or Twitch and watch people playing D&D,
Pathfinder, Fantasy AGE, Shadow of the Demon Lord, and every other game
imaginable. You can use virtual tabletop software and video chat to connect
with other players online as easily as you can around a table. I, myself, run a
weekly game on the virtual tabletop website Roll20 that involves players
scattered across three time zones—including two of the friends from high school
who I started gaming with. From a players’ perspective, the proliferation of
electronic tools and resources for RPGs these days is something that would
literally have blown my sixteen-year-old self’s mind.
BRENDAN: What are some of the things you are most excited
about for this project?
JACKIE: The excitement for me is turning more kids onto the
creative aspects of making a world, a story and characters. There is something
about bonding over a story that you developed with other people that is unlike
any other creative endeavor that you can do. It's a magical experience and if
we can make it a more welcoming and inclusive experience for any kid, I'll feel
like we've done our job.
SCOTT: I’m always generally excited when people play RPGs;
and I’m specifically excited when young players get into tabletop games. I do a
lot of work in D&D, and I play Pathfinder on the side, and I read as many
of the new games coming out as I can, even when I know I’ll never have time to
play them. It’s very easy to say that this is the golden age of roleplaying
games, and I personally don’t see any sign that that age needs to end anytime
soon. And on a more specific note, one of the most positive things about
tabletop RPGs becoming ever more popular and widespread is that those games are
seeing a much more diverse range of players embracing them—and the games
themselves are embracing that diversity in turn.
I was a very small part of the team that created D&D
fifth edition, but one of the best things about working on that game was seeing
the conscious effort that Wizards of the Coast made to break away from the
traditional male-centric, Medieval European fantasy tropes that have been
central to so many fantasy games over the years. Virtually all of the most
popular RPGs have taken this same approach (and in some cases, predating and
inspiring Wizards’ decision to do so). And though “The Hidden Halls of Hazakor”
is a pretty small project measured against the breadth and scope of all things
D&D right now, one of the things I really wanted it to do with it was
reinforce this idea that gaming is for everyone — both in terms of the writing
goal of wanting to create something that would help young players get the most
out of the game, and in terms of seeing Jackie’s art reflect a version of how I
think RPGs should look. The conversation about diversity in games is long
overdue, in my opinion, and in whatever small way I can help steer that
conversation, I’d like to do so.
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