This is a report of the second session of our Vaaran Kingdoms Sertorius session. You can see session one HERE.
The party:
Gaius: A Ronian-blooded aristocratUloff: A Gru TraderDreckergael: A human hunter who casts spells randomly when wounded
Garoff: A Gru Bounty Hunter

Eventually they found the pillar and it was protected by two
spirits. They screeched causing the party to burst into flames. A battle ensued
and the PCs evaporated the spirits using spells like Bolt of Fury. The pillar
itself contained text they could not read (it was in Singh script) and was
about 800 pounds. They removed it from its anchor points and collectively
dragged it from the tomb, occasionally with the help of a makeshift pulley
On the surface they cut down some trees to help them roll
the pillar to the city of Tongtel. This lengthened their journey considerably
so they took the time to work out with Mangrai the translation on the pillar
(this took many hours because he is blind and they had to explain each letter
to him). This is what the pillar said:
These are the words of he who holds the 12 silver cities in his right hand and carries the sun upon his left like a lamp. All shall know that I am the greatest king who walked the earth because I butchered armies and cut the throat of a god.My powers are unrivaled but now the storm of vengeance is upon you all. What I have done is right. It is truth. It is good. It leads to paradise. It is an act of mercy and kindness that required blood. That requires more.I will seek no forgiveness from you. I will not take a single absolution. Instead I have one gift to pass. Hear my words and watch as time shapes them into reality.Today my body dies and the glory of my kingdom fades. Fire, smoke and demons will come and feast upon your bones. No one deemed guilty can escape. All here are doomed.One day I shall walk again among you, but no more a king.Alone there is but one path and upon it many things.A legion of forgetful beggars who yearn for my crown yet cannot speak a single name.A spear held by mortal hands lancing the heavens and one wound that will not heal.A bursting crown of flame and gold awakening the sky as the reclamation begins.A silent orb of neither light nor dark sings a song for all to hear:The Serpent comes to feed once more when our time is at handTen times one thousand years to pass before her feast beginsA trail of fields to harvest long the work of gods and men
No one knows but one is true and yet no one understands
Not wanting to dispatch a messenger to Gaius’ uncle Hamil,
because that might attract attention, they remained outside the city and Uloff
performed the spell Aperture of Po, which enabled him to create a two way gate
to communicate through. Gaius knew Hamil would be at Castle Theona so they
tried to center it on where his bedchamber would be and waited until nightfall
to cast. Uloff also had to spend several hours creating a mechanical aperture
to use in the spell.
Aperture of Po was cast successfully and they were able to
both see and hear Hamil. He was pleased with their success but revealed that
Castle Theona was under siege from recently united Gru and Human tribes who had
started worshipping a dragon god named Rue-Keska. He also told them that the
leaders of the tribes were covered in heavy scales and looked different from
normal Gru or Humans. Hamil didn’t appear to be in immediate danger, though the
tribes had destroyed many surrounding villages. He suggested they contact the
Order of Justinian in Tongtel and make the exchange themselves. They could then
go to his Archon and son Pazzer-Unzi for their payment. Hamil also offered them
a greater sum if they could go to the Wangela (the place where the united tribes
are from) and try to kill their new dragon god.
The exchange was made, the party was given 125,000 gold
pieces worth of ingots and they took this to Archon Pazzer-Unzi who gave them
payment. Because they were wounded they rested in the city for two weeks. Hamil
was under siege but they didn’t think it would be wise to face the Warngel
Tribes and a possible dragon in their current state.
They crossed the river into Warngel territory, going to the
town of Warnula, an Orc settlement that pays tribute to Palus. They learned
that the Warngela started worshipping a dragon named Rue-Keska about 7 months
ago. Soon after the Darga (a Gru tribe in the south) also started worshipping the
dragon and the leader of the Darga married his daughter to Belgash the Warngel
chief. Asking the local Legate (an official who was apparently in charge of
Wanula’s defenses) they were told that the site of worship was on top of one of
the “glittering hills”.
They went to the hills and found one that glimmered in the
sunlight. There they camped for three days and observed. On the third morning,
a group of Warngel tribemen approached the hill entering its glen with an orc
prisoner. Dreckergael followed and used the spell Hide to watch them from the
shadows. He saw about 12 tribesmen who killed the prisoner and took her heart,
then waited as a pair of yellow eyes appeared in the shadows. Dreckergael
backed away but saw a 120 foot long snake like creature with a crocodilian head
emerge to feast on the offering. He noted its features and returned to the
group. With Dreckergael’s knowledge of monsters and Gaius knowledge they were
able to deduce it might be some kind of Sand Dragon that had Sertori like
They started formulating a plan to deal with the beast.
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