Saturday, May 25, 2024


These are new techniques created for my Paths from Nowhere and Heavenly Fragrance Campaign. Most are specific to NPCs in the campaigns. 

Discipline: Waijia  
Skill: Arm Strike
Type: Normal 
Art by Jackie Musto
Qi: 3

Your hand rises high similar to a serpent and strikes from unexpected angles as you sink your fingers into your foes to cause unbearable pain. 

Make an Arm Strike roll against Parry. On a Success you do 2d10+Speed for damage and drain 1 Hardiness (this lasts 1 round per rank of Waijia). On a Total Success, the target loses an action due to your piercing grip (they can only move or attack, but not both). 

This technique was created by Dao Wu, proprieties of the Many-Banded Krait.

Cathartic: This does +1 Extra wound. 

Skill: Meditation 
Type: NOrmal 
Qi: 8

You sit and do a breathing mediation, drawing in dragon energy and expelling a cloud of deadly phoenix energy that kills. 

Make a Meditation roll against the Hardiness of all within 100 feet. On a Success they take 2d10 open damage per their rank of Qi. 

This technique was invented by Dancing Corpse Wan Mei. 

Discipline: Neigong 
Skill: Arm Strike
Type: Normal 
Qi: 4

Your hands rear and sway like a snake's as you release a gust of energy that blinds your foes. 

Roll Arm Strike against Evade. On a Success you blind the target for 1 round. On a Total Success you blind them for 2 rounds. 

This technique was created by Dao Wu, proprieties of the Many-Banded Krait. 

Cathartic: You can strike up to 1 foe per Qi rank. 

Discipline: Dianxue
Skill: Leg Strike and Medicine 
Type: Normal 
Qi: 5

You spin rapidly and land your heel at a precise point along the spine, causing the person's legs to fail. 

Make a Leg Strike roll and Medicine roll against Parry. If both Succeed and the target had fewer Qi ranks than you, it causes their legs to go limp for 1 round per rank of Dianxue. On a Total Success their arms go limp as well. 

Cathartic: The targets legs go limp for 1 week per rank of Dianxue. On a Total Success their Arms go limp for 1 week. If you land two Total Successes, they permanently lose the ability to use their legs. If you land three Total Successes they permanently lose the ability to use their arms as well. 

Discipline: Neigong 
Skill: Arm Strike
Type: Normal 
Qi: 4

You extend you open hand and draw the target into your palm by their head, slowing their heart and flooding their body with phoenix energy. 

Make an Arm Strike against the Evade of a single target. On a Success their heart is slowed, imposing -1d10 to all their attacks for 1 round per rank of your Neigong. In addition they suffer 1d10 Open Damage equal to your Qi Rank. This damage can exceed the soft cap but not the hard cap. 

This technique was created by Dancing Corpse Wan Mei 

Cathartic: The target takes an additional 3 Extra Wounds. 


Discipline: Neigong

Skill: Grapple/Throw

Type: Counter

Qi: 4


You grip the wrist of your foe with intense strength and determination, halting any melee attack and freely breaking their weapon.


Make a Grapple roll against any melee attack roll. On a Success you stop the attack by grabbing their wrist. You may also take their weapon and break it as a free action.

This technique was created by the monk Compassion from the Sangha of the Water Sutra. 


Cathartic: When used cathartically you can make a free Throw attack, sending the target flying for 4d10 Open non-lethal damage.

Discipline: Dianxue 
Skill: Medicine and Arm Strike
Type: Normal
Qi: 6

You tap the lung meridian that extends from a person's collar bone to their wrist, causing their lungs to seize. 

Make a Medicine Roll and Arm Strike Roll against Parry. On a Success you strike the lung meridian and stop their breathing for 1d10 rounds. Undoing the effect requires a successful Medicine Roll TN 8. On a Total Success the TN is increased to 10. Any Dianxue technique that affects the lungs can be used to open up the breath again. 

This technique imposes a -1d10 penalty to counter. This technique was invented by Qi Lihua. 

Cathartic: This causes their breath to stop for 1d10 minutes and imposes a -2d10 penalty to counters. 

Discipline: Waijia 
Skill: Leg Strike
Type: Counter
Qi: 3

You unleash a flash of kicks meant to counter the Storming Daggers technique, sending each blade back at a target of your choice. 

Make a Leg Strike roll against the attack roll. On a Success you rebound the daggers and damage they would do, against targets of your choice. On a Total Success the daggers go through your intended targets and strike anyone directly behind them. 

Must be Used Cathartically. This technique was created by Jade Swallow.


Discipline: Waijia

Skill: Arm Strike 

Type: Normal or Counter 

Qi: 5

You deliver a swift and powerful palm strike to the center of the chest, weakening your enemy and causing internal damage. 

Make an Arm Strike Roll against Parry or against the Opponent's attack roll. On a Success it does 1d10+Muscle for damage plus 5 Extra Wounds, and the target loses -1d10 Muscle for 2 rounds. On a Total Success the wounds take double the normal healing time to restore. 

This technique must be performed cathartically. It was created by Sun Ming the Sandstone Nun. 


Discipline: Neigong

Skill: Arm Strike and Medicine

Type: Normal

Qi: 6


You send strike with a clap of your palm against the foe’s chest, causing energy to radiate through their limbs and pacify their heart.


Make an Arm Strike and Medicine roll against Parry. On a Success the target’s meridians course with a calming energy that prevents them from taking any violent action. Those who persist, lose 1 Qi rank permanently (they lose a level of experience and must regain it in order to advance again). This loss of qi continues with each action. The duration of this technique is 1 hour per rank of Neigong.


Pacifying Palm must be done cathartically. It was created by the monk Compassion from the Sangha of the Water Sutra. 

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