Joseph Bloch is releasing an OSR Wuxia RPG called The Golden Scroll of Justice. I had a chance to talk with him about the project and find out more about the project.
The Golden Scroll of Justice is available HERE.
Brendan Davis: What is The Golden Scroll of Justice?
The Golden Scroll of Justice is available HERE.
Brendan Davis: What is The Golden Scroll of Justice?

BD: Who did the cover
and interior art for the project?
JB: I'm fortunate to have a wonderful stable of artists that
I've worked with in the past, but I'm also constantly looking for new artists
to work with. For this project, a new (to me) artist, Khairul Hisham, did the
color cover art, and a mix of familiar and new arists—Gennifer Bone,
Christopher R. Conklin, Khairul Hisham, Eric Quigley, Jeshields, Cary
Stringfield, Josephe Vandel—did the interior b&w art.
BD: You describe the
game as Wuxia/Mythic China. What can players and GMs expect in terms of flavor?
JB: Mechanically, my hope is that it feels just as
comfortable as any regular 1E-derived role-playing game. The mechanics are
going to be familiar, so you can concentrate on the setting elements. In that
sense, it should hopefully feel like entering a whole new world, with monsters,
spells, and magic items that are completely unknown, and which derive from a
culture that is going to be somewhat unfamiliar, and thus just a an audience used to settings and trappings that are based on
European or Classical mythology and history. And when you add kung fu to the
combat system, it stays abstract, but there's also room for cinematic kung fu
moves that will add a lot of "zing" to melee without throwing
everything out of balance.
BD: What were your
major sources of inspiration? Were there any movies or books that were
important to you when working on the project?
JB: There's actually a listing of inspirational and source
books and film in one of the appendices; my own "Appendix N" for the
genre. But for me the first kung-fu movie I ever saw was the Five Deadly
Venoms, back in the late 70's/early 80's, and that sort of over-the-top
presentation of kung fu as this collection of specific, but interlinking,
skills really stuck with me. Plus those wonderful masks. ::grin:: But of course
there are also classics of Chinese literature, such as Journey to the West and
the Outlaws of the Marsh, but I'm also very much a fan of folk-tales as a
mirror of the beliefs of the common people. I did a lot of reading of
collections of Chinese fables and folk-tales, and a lot of that is reflected in
the book as well.
BD: What were some of the challenges you faced
designing Golden Scroll of Justice?
JB: This is the longest book it's ever taken me to write;
about three years start to finish. There were some philosophical and mechanical
issues that I just couldn't work through, and the book got shelved more than
once. Then I'd come back and tinker on the edges, and put it back on the shelf.
But once I figured out how to handle kung fu, the whole thing snapped into
place and just poured out of me.
Also, I very consciously didn't want to place the book in
any specific setting; the idea is for the game master to create their own
setting from the material in the book, so there's no equivalent of Kara-Tur.
Balancing that against the need to impart as much Chinese culture as I could
was challenging, but I think I hit a good balance, based on the way the
original D&D books handled European and Classical mythology and culture in
terms of magic items, spells, classes, etc. without being bound by a particular
BD: What approach did
you take in terms of mechanics to bring wuxia and mythic China to Adventures
Dark and Deep? How does a Golden Scroll
of Justice campaign/adventure differ from a more standard fantasy
JB: Mechanically, aside from the cosmetic items such as the
classes and armor types and such, the importance of the kung fu system, and the
mechanics by which characters spend experience points to get skill levels in
kung fu, rather than using those XP to gain levels. So, as a rule, a campaign
using these rules is going to feature lower-level characters, although a 5th
level fighter with three levels of kung fu skill is going to pack much more of
a wallop than a normal 5th level fighter.
In terms of campaigns, one of the great things about the
wuxia genre in general is its adaptability. While there are certain themes
(justice, the wandering hero, etc.), the creativity and flexibility in how the
genre is approached is nearly boundless. So you can have a campaign that's more
focused on politics, or a war, or discovering lost secrets of kung fu, or
fighting corruption, or whatever. In comparison with more standard fantasy
games, I would think that there's a lot less emphasis on the dungeon crawl, and
more on the wilderness adventure, but even there, the genre is flexible enough
to encompass just about anything.
BD: Were there any
specific pitfalls you tried to avoid when designing the system?
JB: I was very conscious that I wanted to do a supplement,
rather than a stand-alone game, so the mechanical choices I made had to reflect
that. I didn't want to create a large number of new game systems and mechanics;
wherever possible I stuck with the familiar mechanics already present in the
core game (and, naturally, in most other old-school games that are compatible
with the original 1E or B/X versions), and simply added to them.
BD: What do you like
best about The Golden Scroll of Justice?
JB: The core Adventures Dark and Deep rules use a skill
system based on one created by Gary Gygax for Castles & Crusades. What
really excited me about this project was the way I was able to take that skill
system and radically expand it into the realm of combat; it forms the core of
the kung fu system, which is not only completely consistent with the standard
1E-style combat system, which is very abstract, but allows the players and GM
to include a lot of the special "cinematic" kung fu moves that most
people associate with television and movies in the genre. A lot of the kung fu
skill abilities came straight out of hours and hours and hours spent watching
those films, and I think fans will really find something to like in it. Plus,
it's completely expandable, so any GM can create his own kung fu styles using
the ones in the book as a template. It really worked out wonderfully.
About Joseph
Joseph Bloch has been playing wargames and role-playing games since the mid-1970's. He is the author of the Adventures Dark and Deep RPG, an attempt to expand and develop 1E along Gygaxian lines, and Castle of the Mad Archmage, an immense old-school megadungeon adventure, along with various other role-playing projects. He is president of BRW Games, and runs the Greyhawk Grognard blog.
About Joseph
Joseph Bloch has been playing wargames and role-playing games since the mid-1970's. He is the author of the Adventures Dark and Deep RPG, an attempt to expand and develop 1E along Gygaxian lines, and Castle of the Mad Archmage, an immense old-school megadungeon adventure, along with various other role-playing projects. He is president of BRW Games, and runs the Greyhawk Grognard blog.
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