This week, a poster in the Bedrock Games discord asked about how to make the weapon in The Dragon Missile, a 1976 Ho Meng-Hua film for our dark wuxia game Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades. Ho Meng-Hua directed The Flying Guillotine and this movie presents us with another lethal weapon that decapitates people and fills the martial world with awe and terror. I decided to sit down and come up with something for RBRB.
Here I started with the weapon and built an adventure inspired by the story in the movie. One difficult choice was deciding weather the Dragon Missile would be a Signature Ability or a Weapon. I ultimately decided to have it be a weapon that relies on a Signature Ability (much like the Flying Guillotine in Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate). If you do run this adventure, realize it is intended to be a powerful weapon that has potential to throw the martial world into disarray. It is deliberately imbalanced in order to be scary. A player can still get their hands on it, and learn how to use it, but they would likely attract a lot of attention by doing so.
I wanted to use an existing weapon as a base, initially, following the poster's suggestion, I was going to use Blood Sparrows (83). Those would work perfectly fine. A variation on the Curved Beauty Daggers could work too. But I ended up taking the mechanics for the Jagged Blade of the Raksha (because the Dragon Missile in the movie is physically imposing) and beefed it up to be a Top Ten Weapon.
In making this adventure I also draw heavily on NPCs in the Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades rulebook. When we designed them, one of our goals was to give GMs a setting through non-player characters. So this is an example of how to take NPCs, and update their present situation, to use them in a new scenario.
This adventure is for a higher level party, with all the major foes being level 7 or greater. With some modification this can be run for a lower level party. What follows is more of a set-up for an adventure. The GM may want to do additional preparation unless they are comfortable winging things on the fly. Note that numbers listed in parenthesis are the page numbers in the RBRB rulebook where relevant informatio, such as Signature Abilities or NPCs, can be found.
Three nights ago, Eunuch Zhang (196) fought in a secret duel with Phoenix Empress of Mingshui (219). Eunuch Zhang dipped his sword in Golden Viper Venom. Both he and she were seriously wounded in the fight and escaped, but both were poisoned by the venom. This deadly venom kills over the course of months and can only be cured with the Longevity Rattan. Neither wishes anyone to know about their battle. Now they languish and their only hope is the Longevity Rattan, which is rumored to have been found by Lady Iron Hand/Wan Shu (239) and brought to the homestead of Hong Wenlong (201) where she waits with his three disciples for his return. In a separate incident three weeks ago, Eunuch Zhang poisoned Hong Wenglong with Golden Viper Venom. Lady Iron Hand, knowing he had a just grudge to settle with Chen Nianzhen (193), found the Longevity Rattan, brought it to his homestead, and waits for his arrival so she can give it to him (he was out settling as many affairs as he could).
The players are called upon by an ailing Phoenix Empress of Mingshui, wife of the prefect of Shandong. Their contact is Township Mistress Xuan Yufeng who asks them to come to Five Phoenix Manor near Jinan. There they are taken to speak with Phoenix Empress of Mingshui who is covered in boils from Golden Viper Venom, and seems to be dying. Township Mistress Xuan Yufeng explains that Mingshui was in a duel with a terrible master who poisoned her. She says she cannot reveal the masters identity but tells them that the only cure is Longevity Rattan, and it is rumored that Lady Iron Hand is protecting some in Chengdu at the homestead of Hong Wenlong. She has good information that a powerful fighter welding the Dragon Missile has been sent already to obtain the Longevity Rattan on behalf of the man who did this to her as he was also poisoned. They will have to hurry to beat him there.
The Phoenix Empress is a highly influential person and the players can gain a lot of social and political capital if they help her. However Township Mistress Xuan Yufeng is willing to pay a high sum given the present situation. She can presently provide them each with one of the following objects:
Butterfly Swords of Wen Chi (83)
Diamond Axe Blade (84)
Liquid Swords (85)
Hidden Fang (87)
She can also pay them 150,000 coins (half when they agree to take the mission, half when they return).
Phoenix Empress of Mingshui (219), Eunuch Zhang (196), and Hong Wenlong (201) are all poisoned by the Golden Viper Venom at the start of the adventure and suffering the appropriate skill penalties. They can still be active characters in the scenario but will not be at their full ability unless they are given the Longevity Rattan to reverse the poison. All three can be formidable if they enter into the fray.
Encounters and the adventure structure itself can be handled in one of two ways:
The first treats the adventure as a race to the Homestead in Chengdu, with Survival rolls determining many outcomes. The road to Chengdu is long and players should make regular survival rolls to see if they have encounters or run into other difficulties. Normally encounters are not very frequent in RBRB on the road. But here, given that the situation is important and many will try to insert themselves into it or thwart the players efforts, the GM should have them make a number of rolls. The players should be able to reach Chengdu on ten successful survival rolls (any Total Success counts as two). However the GM should also roll for Sima Luo to see how quickly he arrives (he has a one day head but is traveling from Shanghai and will need to make 13 successful rolls). If at any point, he catches up to the party or overtakes them, and encounter with him becomes possible. Otherwise the players are likely to have encounters with others (minions of Bureau Four for example). You can roll on the chart below but just keep this in mind.

The second approach is to focus more on the tension of being hounded on their way to the Homestead. Sima Luo being the biggest threat they will face along the way. In this instance, he may know of the PCs mission and seek to eliminate them before they get to the homestead. This can create a sense that the party is hounded by Sima Luo, who antagonizes them along the way. So the GM may want to craft encounters that feel appropriate along the road (perhaps using the ones listed below as a foundation). The big difference between the first and second method is this one will have a stronger sense of pacing to fit atmosphere and the encounters will all add to a sense of escalating tension.
However the GM deals with the road to Chengdu, once they get there, they must contend with Lady Iron Hand, and possibly still contend with Sima Luo (who will likely wait until after they have the Longevity Rattan to act). This may also present a choice, as Lady Iron Hand wants the Longevity Rattan to help Hong Wenlong. And her cause isn't unjust. But saving Phoenix Empress of Mingshui is also important. Let the players decide what they want to do, but if they choose to thwart Lady Iron Hand she will have to contend with the party (she won't seek to kill them, merely to stop them so she can cure Hong Wenlong).
Hong Wenlong can arrive whenever the GM wishes, and he can even participate in any battle that happens to occur (whether to help or attack the PCs depends on circumstances).
Once they obtain the Longevity Rattan, they still need to make it back to Jinan. Here they are also likely to be hounded by Bureau Four and also any fallout from events at the homestead itself.
The GM can roll or pick encounters from the list below, or design their own on the fly or in advance. When rolling, only use encounters that make sense (for example if you've established that Sima Luo is five days behind the party, it doesn't make sense for him to encounter them; however if he were five days ahead, an ambush is possible). These can all be used on the journey to or from Chengdu, but should be adjusted according to events that transpire:
1. Thief Goddess Li: Thief Goddess Li sneaks into the player's encampment in the middle of the night (or at the best possible opportunity that presents itself) and tries to take the most expensive or important looking item/weapon/object she can. She is dressed in the cloak of Qin Shihuang (94). This ostentatious garment was stolen from the palace and is made from bear fur, giraffe pelt and fine leather (she prizes it and believes it will enable her to give birth to an emperor if she never takes it off for a year). Bureau Four is very interested in apprehending her as a result. But she is merely in the area, because she'd heard that many martial heroes are traveling this way for some unknown purpose. She wants to find out what is going on and hopes to steal some expensive or important items while she can. Usually she just takes things and runs. So this could become a chase encounter. However if she learns more it is possible she would assist the players or offer her thieving talents. If the players have the Longevity Rattan, this is an object she would want to steal. Remember that her Uncanny Hands (58) give her a +1d10 to any Theft or Gambling skill roll.
2. Shuai Huixiong/Handsome Bearded Hero (225): The Handsome Bearded Hero blocks the party to test their mettle. He appears drunk and pleased with himself He simply wants three rounds or exchanges with each person, a friendly duel, not to the death. He is on his way to protect Lady Iron Hand and help her guard the Longevity Rattan. He is unlikely to share this information with the party, instead he will try to find out their reasons for traveling. If he learns they are heading to the homestead, he offers to join them (so he can prevent them from their aim once they arrive). If the players have already taken the Rattan, he is likely trying to get it back or get revenge on behalf of Lady Iron Hand.
3. Master Gao (217): Master Gao of Illustrious Qilin Villa, a physician and fraud, is on the road to Hong Wenlong's Homestead having heard rumors of his impending death. This is a simple information gathering mission on his part. He wants to learn what he can and share it with his groups chief, Wu Tooth Beauty Niu. He knows that the Longevity Rattan is possessed by Lady Iron Hand, but is not interested in it. He may see the party as potential allies to turn against his enemy, Xie Song (240). So he will tell them what he can and tell them lies about Xie's cruelty and deception. He can be helpful to them along the way.
4. Bureau Four Agents (176): The party is ambushed by Bureau Four Agents (roll 1d10 and divide result by two to see how many). They are following orders to stop anyone who might interfere with Sima Luo's mission.
5. He Tian (200): He Tian has been sent against the party on a suicide mission by Sima Luo. If he has the opportunity to set up an ambush, he will use his Chess Board of Doom (39) ability to set the battlefield with sand covered pit traps he can control using a pulley system (Detect TN 6; Athletics TN 8 to avoid; 2d10 Damage). As an option he can create a series of spear traps he controls and aims through a similar pulley system, allowing him to fire at up to 6 different targets at once (roll Trade against Evade; 3d10 damage). If the party convinces him he was sent on a suicide mission, he may be persuadable to their cause.
6. Bureau Eight Chief Constable Bao Leng (177): Constable Bao Leng is a ferocious and foolhardy chief constable for Bureau Eight. He has four Bureau Eight Constables (177) serving under him. The Bureau has intelligence that Eunuch Zhang was poisoned and seeking a cure. He has been assigned to deal with the agents Eunuch Zhang sent to retrieve said cure. However the descriptions are hazy and he will assume any martial experts heading to Chengdu are Zhang's men. He attacks the party and attempts to arrest them. He can be reasoned with but is very difficult to convince. Should the party persuade him of their innocence and the true focus of their mission, he may be willing to work with them.
7. Brocaded Granny (223): Brocaded Granny approaches the party while 4 Lu Bank Henchmen (182) lurk in the hills using the Granny's fabrics as camouflage (TN 9 to Detect them if players actively look). Moneybags Hu (218) of Lu Bank (182), sent Brocaded Granny to stall, pay-off, or kill people retrieving the Longevity Rattan for Phoenix Empress of Mingshui. He despises Five Phoenix Manor and is pleased she was poisoned by Eunuch Zhang. He hopes to kill two birds with one stone by preventing Phoenix Empress from receiving her cure, and further ingratiating himself into the imperial court. Brocaded Granny will approach the party selling her finely woven garments. Her aim is to befriend the party and travel with them. If they are not amenable she will take a more direct approach and offer them each 2,500 coins (she can go up to 5,000 each) to end their mission and come meet her benefactor who wishes to procure their services (her benefactor is Moneybags Hu). If she finds out how much the party was paid, she assures them that Lu Bank can double the offer. If they persist in refusing, she attacks immediately, which signals the Henchmen in Hiding to attack as well.
8. Lord Dragon Long Dawang (211): Long Dawang and his son Long Fang (see Lord Dragon's Nine Sons on page 213), politely approach the party seeking to join them. Long Dawang explains that he admires Five Phoenix Manor and is well acquainted with Phoenix Empress of Mingshui. He wants to help them, and says he and his son would like to accompany them. While a cruel and ambitious man, Long Dawang is sincere in this instance and is determined to help cure the Phoenix Empress, whether the party agrees or not. If they refuse he and his son continue to follow and lend a hand when they find themselves in trouble. Should he help them at the Homestead, he will be ruthless in dealing with Lady Iron Hand, as he wishes no one but Phoenix Empress of Mingshui to obtain the Longevity Rattan. Note that in this scenario he is no longer suffering from his fire deviation.
9-10. Sima Luo and Minions: Sima Luo decides to take care of the party, sending 3 minions to engage them up close while he fights from a distance (ideally on elevated ground). If Sima Luo is near enough to the party he may also join in the fight (otherwise he continues his own path to the homestead). See Sima Luo entry below for more information.
At the homestead, Lady Iron Hand will be waiting with The Three Heroes of Guiyang in anticipation of Hong Wenlong's arrival. Use her stat block on page 239 of the RBRB rulebook. The Three Heroes are listed below. Lady Iron Hand is not a fool and knows people might try to take the Longevity Rattan for their own purposes. Therefore she has put a decoy using another rattan vine, in an elaborate box in the center of the homestead (and she and the three heroes appear to hold vigil over it). In reality she has the Longevity Rattan under her robes in a pouch. Anyone examining the false Longevity Rattan can detect the deception on a TN 10 Medicine and Alchemy roll. She will not give the Rattan to anyone but Hong Wenlong and is willing to fight anyone who tries to take it.
The three heroes of Guiyang are three brothers named Cha Mo, Cha Muyan, and Cha Mian. They are also the new disciples of Hong Wenlong, the Ill-Fated Blade (201). Of the three, Mo is the least trust worthy. Muyan is the most social and good-looking, while Mian never speaks but is highly expressive. All three are educated and well-mannered, but somewhat rigid. They greatly respect Lady Iron Hand and are loyal to their master.
Defences: Hardiness 8, Evade 8, Wits 5
Skills: External Martial Arts: 2d10, Internal Martial Arts: 2d10, Survival: 3d10, Talent: 1d10, Trade: 2d10, Persuade: 2d10, Empathy: 2d10, Detect: 2d10, Athletics: 1d10, Endurance: 2d10, Muscle: 2d10, Speed: 1d10, Ride: 1d10, Jianghu: 2d10, Peoples and Places: 2d10, Scholarly Arts: 2d10
Level/Killing Aura/Drinking Limit: 3
Killing Aura Darkness: 14
Max Wounds: 3
Resist: 0
Eccentricities: Greedy (Mo), Impeccable (Muyan), Mute (Mian)
Grudges/Rivalries: Chen Nianzhen
Allies: Wong Wenlong
Minions: None
Equipment: The Dragon Missile
Signature Ability: Studied Blade Style (57)
Counters: Sword Parry (69)
Sima Luo had principles at one time, but now he kills for the highest bidder. Once his services are secured, he is loyal to the end of his contract. Presently he works for Eunuch Zhang and has been tasked with obtaining the Longevity Rattan to cure him. Sima Luo has few scruples and would kill his best friends mother if it gave him an edge. Clever and relentless, he possesses the Dragon Missile, and knows how to wield it. He inherited the blade from his Master, Dragon Missile An, who died many years ago. He hopes to find a worthy disciple he can pass his weapon and technique onto. He would even train an enemy, if that person were truly a great fighter and deserving of the blade. Sima Luo always keeps the ears of those he has assassinated.
Sima Luo has command over three minions assigned to him by Eunuch Zhang: Hua Yan, Guo the Tiny Mouse, and He Tian. They travel together but he may occasionally send them out independently to attack PCs or undertake other missions. He has a strong dislike of He Tian, and hopes to send him on a suicide mission during the journey. He also has three Bureau Four agents with him as well (176), and can call on more if he needs (he is carrying messenger pigeons in his supplies).
Defences: Hardiness 8, Evade 7, Wits 6Skills: External Martial Arts: 3d10, Lightness Martial Arts: 2d10, Medicine and Alchemy: 2d10, Meditation: 2d10, Survival: 2d10, Drinking: 2d10, Theft: 2d10, Gambling: 1d10, Magical Arts: 1d10, Detect: 2d10, Persuade: 2d10, Reasoning: 3d10, Speed: 3d10, Muscle: 2d10, Athletics: 1d10, JIanghu: 3d10, People and Places: 2d10, Institutions: 1d10
Level/Killing Aura/Drinking Limit: 8
Killing Aura Darkness: 900
Max Wounds: 5
Resist: 2
Eccentricities: Seeking Defeat and Grim Collector
Occupation: Assassin
Grudges/Rivalries: He Tian
Allies: Eunuch Zhang
Minions: Guo the Tiny Mouse (198; sent by Eunuch Zhang), Hua Yan (202; sent by Eunuch Zhang), He Tian (200; sent by Eunuch), 3 Bureau Four Agents (176)
Equipment: The Dragon Missiles x2, Messenger Pigeons, 80,000 coins in taels
Signature Ability: Dragon Missile Master, Flashing Moon Sabre Style (44), Fearless Boxer Style (43)
Counters: Defence of Sun Bin (64), Spinning Block (68)NEW WEAPON
The Dragon Missile is a large, crescent blade that is thrown like a boomerang. It returns to the wielder a full round after its attack. For this reason it comes in a pair. It is primarily designed for throwing, and has a range of 90 feet. When using in this way if you get a Total Success you can either roll on the Death and Maiming Chart for the target, or you can opt to attack them again.The Dragon Missile does Speed+2d10 Damage plus 2 Extra Wounds. If used as a melee weapon, it does Muscle +2d10 plus 2 Extra wounds (but has no additional effect on a total success). Without the Dragon Missile Master Signature Ability, anyone using this weapon suffers a -2d10 penalty to all their rolls.
You understand how to use the Dragon Missile, and can do so without a -2d10 Penalty. You can also throw both at 1 target imposing a -1d10 to any counter attempt, and you can throw two at two separate targets at once. In addition you can strike up to two targets with each attack as it flies at length through the air (or 4 if you throw both at once).
The Golden Viper is a very rare snake, believed to dwell in hot climates of the southern empire. However the snake is so rare, some believe there is only one of its kind. Its venom is extremely lethal and can only be cured by the Longevity Rattan. Roll 3d10 against Hardiness. On a Success the person dies in 2d10 months, experiencing excruciating pain and boils all over their body. Each week the person suffers in this way, they take a cumulative -1d10 penalty to their skills.
This ancient dried vine, is unique. It was created by a skilled physicians hundreds of years ago. If consumed it extends the person's life by 50 years. However it can also be consumed to cure the Golden Viper Venom. There is only enough longevity rattan for one dose, for one person. Identitying the Longevity Rattan on sight is a TN 10 Medicine and Alchemy Roll.